#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <utility> #include <stdexcept> #include <argp.h> #include "uoj_run.h" namespace fs = std::filesystem; class language_not_supported_error : public std::invalid_argument { public: explicit language_not_supported_error() : std::invalid_argument("This language has not been supported yet.") {} }; class fail_to_read_src_error : public std::runtime_error { public: explicit fail_to_read_src_error(const std::string &what = "An error occurs when trying to read the source code.") : std::runtime_error(what) {} }; class compile_error : public std::invalid_argument { public: explicit compile_error(const std::string &what) : std::invalid_argument(what) {} }; const std::vector<std::pair<const char *, const char *>> suffix_search_list = { {".code" , "" }, {"20.cpp" , "C++20" }, {"17.cpp" , "C++17" }, {"14.cpp" , "C++" }, {"11.cpp" , "C++11" }, {"03.cpp" , "C++03" }, {"98.cpp" , "C++98" }, {".cpp" , "C++" }, {".c" , "C" }, {".pas" , "Pascal" }, {"2.7.py" , "Python2.7"}, {"2.py" , "Python2.7"}, {".py" , "Python3" }, {"7.java" , "Java7" }, {"8.java" , "Java8" }, {"11.java", "Java11" }, {"14.java", "Java14" }, {"17.java", "Java17" }, }; struct compile_config { std::string name; std::string src; std::string lang = "auto"; std::string opt; std::string implementer; std::string custom_compiler_path; std::vector<std::string> cinclude_dirs; void auto_find_src() { if (!src.empty()) { return; } for (auto &p : suffix_search_list) { if (fs::is_regular_file(name + p.first)) { src = fs::canonical(name + p.first); if (lang == "auto") { lang = p.second; } return; } } } }; error_t compile_argp_parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { compile_config *config = (compile_config*)state->input; try { switch (key) { case 's': config->src = arg; break; case 'i': config->implementer = arg; break; case 'l': config->lang = arg; break; case 'c': config->custom_compiler_path = arg; break; case 'I': config->cinclude_dirs.push_back(arg); break; case ARGP_KEY_ARG: config->name = arg; break; case ARGP_KEY_END: if (state->arg_num != 1) { argp_usage(state); } break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } } catch (std::exception &e) { argp_usage(state); } return 0; } compile_config parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { argp_option argp_options[] = { {"src" , 's', "SOURCE_CODE" , 0, "set the path to source code" , 1}, {"impl" , 'i', "IMPLEMENTER" , 0, "set the implementer name" , 2}, {"lang" , 'l', "LANGUAGE" , 0, "set the language" , 3}, {"custom" , 'c', "CUSTOM" , 0, "path to custom compilers (those are not placed in /usr/bin)", 4}, {"cinclude", 'I', "DIRECTORY" , 0, "add the directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for header files during preprocessing (for C/C++)", 5}, {0} }; char argp_args_doc[] = "name"; char argp_doc[] = "compile: a tool to compile programs"; argp compile_argp = { argp_options, compile_argp_parse_opt, argp_args_doc, argp_doc }; compile_config config; argp_parse(&compile_argp, argc, argv, ARGP_NO_ARGS | ARGP_IN_ORDER, 0, &config); config.auto_find_src(); if (config.src.empty() || !fs::is_regular_file(config.src)) { throw fail_to_read_src_error(); } return config; } bool is_illegal_keyword(const std::string &name) { return name == "__asm" || name == "__asm__" || name == "asm"; } bool has_illegal_keywords_in_file(const std::string &src) { std::ifstream fin(src); if (!fin) { throw fail_to_read_src_error(); } const int L = 1 << 15; char buf[L]; std::string key; while (!fin.eof()) { fin.read(buf, L); int cnt = fin.gcount(); for (char *p = buf; p != buf + cnt; p++) { char c = *p; if (isalnum(c) || c == '_') { if (key.size() < 20) { key += c; } else { if (is_illegal_keyword(key)) { return true; } key.erase(key.begin()); key += c; } } else { if (is_illegal_keyword(key)) { return true; } key.clear(); } } if (fin.bad()) { throw fail_to_read_src_error(); } } return false; } std::string get_java_main_class(const std::string &src) { std::ifstream fin(src); if (!fin) { throw fail_to_read_src_error(); } const int L = 1 << 15; char buf[L]; std::string s; int mode = 0; while (!fin.eof()) { fin.read(buf, L); int cnt = fin.gcount(); for (char *p = buf; p != buf + cnt; p++) { s += *p; switch (mode) { case 0: switch (*p) { case '/': mode = 1; break; case '\'': mode = 5; break; case '\"': mode = 6; break; } break; case 1: switch (*p) { case '/': mode = 2; s.pop_back(); s.pop_back(); break; case '*': mode = 3; s.pop_back(); s.pop_back(); break; } break; case 2: s.pop_back(); switch (*p) { case '\n': s += '\n'; mode = 0; break; } break; case 3: s.pop_back(); switch (*p) { case '*': mode = 4; break; } break; case 4: s.pop_back(); switch (*p) { case '/': s += ' '; mode = 0; break; } break; case 5: switch (*p) { case '\'': mode = 0; break; case '\\': mode = 7; break; } case 6: switch (*p) { case '\"': mode = 0; break; case '\\': mode = 8; break; } case 7: mode = 5; break; case 8: mode = 6; break; } } if (fin.bad()) { throw fail_to_read_src_error(); } } bool valid[256]; std::fill(valid, valid + 256, false); std::fill(valid + 'a', valid + 'z' + 1, true); std::fill(valid + 'A', valid + 'Z' + 1, true); std::fill(valid + '0', valid + '9' + 1, true); valid['.'] = true; valid['_'] = true; std::vector<std::string> tokens; for (size_t p = 0, np = 0; p < s.length(); p = np) { while (np < s.length() && valid[(unsigned char)s[np]]) { np++; } if (np == p) { np++; } else { tokens.push_back(s.substr(p, np - p)); } } if (tokens.size() > 0 && tokens[0] == "package") { throw compile_error("Please don't specify the package."); } for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < tokens.size(); i++) { if (tokens[i] == "class") { std::string name = tokens[i + 1]; if (name.length() > 100) { throw compile_error("The name of the main class is too long."); } for (size_t k = 0; k < name.length(); k++) { if (!isalnum(name[k]) && name[k] != '_') { throw compile_error("The name of the main class should only contain letters, numbers and underscore sign."); } } if (!isalpha(name[0])) { throw compile_error("The name of the main class cannot begin with a number."); } return tokens[i + 1]; } } throw compile_error("Cannot find the main class."); } int compile_cpp(const compile_config &conf, const std::string &std) { std::ostringstream sflags; spaced_out(sflags, "-lm", "-O2", "-DONLINE_JUDGE", "-std=" + std); for (auto dir : conf.cinclude_dirs) { add_spaced_out(sflags, "-I" + dir); } if (conf.implementer.empty()) { return execute( UOJ_GPLUSPLUS, sflags.str(), "-o", conf.name, "-x", "c++", conf.src ); } else { return execute( UOJ_GPLUSPLUS, sflags.str(), "-o", conf.name, conf.implementer + ".cpp", "-x", "c++", conf.src ); } } int compile_c(const compile_config &conf) { std::ostringstream sflags; spaced_out(sflags, "-lm", "-O2", "-DONLINE_JUDGE"); for (auto dir : conf.cinclude_dirs) { add_spaced_out(sflags, "-I" + dir); } if (conf.implementer.empty()) { return execute( UOJ_GCC, sflags.str(), "-o", conf.name, "-x", "c", conf.src ); } else { return execute( UOJ_GCC, sflags.str(), "-o", conf.name, conf.implementer + ".c", "-x", "c", conf.src ); } } int compile_python2_7(const compile_config &conf) { if (!conf.implementer.empty()) { throw language_not_supported_error(); } std::string dfile = "__pycode__/" + conf.name + ".py"; std::string compiler_code = "import py_compile\n" "import sys\n" "try:\n" " py_compile.compile('" + conf.src + "', cfile='" + conf.name + "', dfile='" + dfile + "', doraise=True)\n" " sys.exit(0)\n" "except Exception as e:\n" " print e\n" " sys.exit(1)\n"; return execute(UOJ_PYTHON2_7, "-E", "-s", "-B", "-O", "-c", escapeshellarg(compiler_code)); } int compile_python3(const compile_config &conf) { if (!conf.implementer.empty()) { throw language_not_supported_error(); } std::string dfile = "__pycode__/" + conf.name + ".py"; std::string compiler_code = "import py_compile\n" "import sys\n" "try:\n" " py_compile.compile('" + conf.src + "', cfile='" + conf.name + "', dfile='" + dfile + "', doraise=True)\n" " sys.exit(0)\n" "except Exception as e:\n" " print(e)\n" " sys.exit(1)\n"; return execute(UOJ_PYTHON3, "-I", "-B", "-O", "-c", escapeshellarg(compiler_code)); } int compile_java(const compile_config &conf, const std::string &jdk) { if (!conf.implementer.empty()) { throw language_not_supported_error(); } try { std::string main_class = get_java_main_class(conf.src); fs::remove_all(conf.name); fs::create_directory(conf.name); fs::copy_file(conf.src, fs::path(conf.name) / (main_class + ".java")); int ret = execute( "cd", conf.name, "&&", jdk + "/bin/javac", main_class + ".java" ); fs::remove(fs::path(conf.name) / (main_class + ".java")); put_class_name_to_file(fs::path(conf.name) / ".main_class_name", main_class); return ret; } catch (std::system_error &e) { throw compile_error("System Error"); } } int compile_pas(const compile_config &conf) { if (conf.implementer.empty()) { return execute(UOJ_FPC, conf.src, "-O2"); } else { try { std::string unit_name = get_class_name_from_file(conf.name + ".unit_name"); if (!unit_name.empty()) { fs::copy_file(conf.src, unit_name + ".pas"); } int ret = execute(UOJ_FPC, conf.implementer + ".pas", "-o" + conf.name, "-O2"); if (!unit_name.empty()) { fs::remove(unit_name + ".pas"); } return ret; } catch (std::system_error &e) { throw compile_error("System Error"); } } } int compile(const compile_config &conf) { if ((conf.lang.length() > 0 && conf.lang[0] == 'C') && has_illegal_keywords_in_file(conf.src)) { std::cerr << "Compile Failed: assembly language detected" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string lang = upgraded_lang(conf.lang); if (lang == "C++" || lang == "C++14") { return compile_cpp(conf, "c++14"); } else if (lang == "C++98") { return compile_cpp(conf, "c++98"); } else if (lang == "C++03") { return compile_cpp(conf, "c++03"); } else if (lang == "C++11") { return compile_cpp(conf, "c++11"); } else if (lang == "C++17") { return compile_cpp(conf, "c++17"); } else if (lang == "C++20") { return compile_cpp(conf, "c++20"); } else if (lang == "C") { return compile_c(conf); } else if (lang == "Python2.7") { return compile_python2_7(conf); } else if (lang == "Python3") { return compile_python3(conf); } else if (lang == "Java8") { return compile_java(conf, UOJ_OPEN_JDK8); } else if (lang == "Java11") { return compile_java(conf, UOJ_OPEN_JDK11); } else if (lang == "Java17") { return compile_java(conf, UOJ_OPEN_JDK17); } else if (lang == "Pascal") { return compile_pas(conf); } else { throw language_not_supported_error(); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { return compile(parse_args(argc, argv)); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } }