'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest dashboard'),
'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}"
'submissions' => array(
'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest submissions'),
'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/submissions"
'standings' => array(
'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest standings'),
'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/standings"
if ($contest['cur_progress'] > CONTEST_TESTING) {
$tabs_info['after_contest_standings'] = array(
'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::after contest standings'),
'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/after_contest_standings"
$tabs_info['self_reviews'] = array(
'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest self reviews'),
'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/self_reviews"
if (hasContestPermission(Auth::user(), $contest)) {
$tabs_info['backstage'] = array(
'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest backstage'),
'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/backstage"
if (!isset($tabs_info[$cur_tab])) {
if (isset($_POST['check_notice'])) {
$result = DB::query("select * from contests_notice where contest_id = '${contest['id']}' order by time desc limit 10");
$ch = array();
$flag = false;
try {
while ($row = DB::fetch($result)) {
if (new DateTime($row['time']) > new DateTime($_POST['last_time'])) {
$ch[] = $row['title'].': '.$row['content'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
global $myUser;
$result = DB::query("select * from contests_asks where contest_id='${contest['id']}' and username='${myUser['username']}' order by reply_time desc limit 10");
try {
while ($row = DB::fetch($result)) {
if (new DateTime($row['reply_time']) > new DateTime($_POST['last_time'])) {
$ch[] = $row['question'].': '.$row['answer'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($ch) {
die(json_encode(array('msg' => $ch, 'time' => UOJTime::$time_now_str)));
} else {
die(json_encode(array('time' => UOJTime::$time_now_str)));
if (isSuperUser($myUser) || isContestJudger($myUser)) {
if (CONTEST_PENDING_FINAL_TEST <= $contest['cur_progress']) {
$start_test_form = new UOJForm('start_test');
$start_test_form->handle = function() {
global $contest;
$result = DB::query("select id, problem_id, content from submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']}");
while ($submission = DB::fetch($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
if (!isset($contest['extra_config']["problem_{$submission['problem_id']}"])) {
$content = json_decode($submission['content'], true);
if (isset($content['final_test_config'])) {
$content['config'] = $content['final_test_config'];
if (isset($content['first_test_config'])) {
$esc_content = DB::escape(json_encode($content));
DB::update("update submissions set judge_time = NULL, result = '', score = NULL, status = 'Waiting Rejudge', content = '$esc_content' where id = {$submission['id']}");
DB::query("update contests set status = 'testing' where id = {$contest['id']}");
$start_test_form->submit_button_config['class_str'] = 'btn btn-danger d-block w-100';
$start_test_form->submit_button_config['smart_confirm'] = '';
if ($contest['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_TESTING) {
$start_test_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '开始最终测试';
} else {
$start_test_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '重新开始最终测试';
if ($contest['cur_progress'] >= CONTEST_TESTING) {
$publish_result_form = new UOJForm('publish_result');
$publish_result_form->handle = function() {
// time config
global $contest;
$contest_data = queryContestData($contest);
$problems_count = DB::selectCount("select count(*) from contests_problems where contest_id = {$contest['id']} order by dfn, problem_id");
calcStandings($contest, $contest_data, $score, $standings, true);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($standings); $i++) {
DB::query("update contests_registrants set rank = {$standings[$i][3]} where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and username = '{$standings[$i][2][0]}'");
$user_link = getUserLink($standings[$i][2][0]);
$total_score = $problems_count * 100;
$tail = $standings[$i][0] == $total_score ? ',请继续保持!' : ',请继续努力!';
$content = <<
您参与的比赛 {$contest['name']} 现已结束,您的成绩为 {$standings[$i][0]}{$tail}
EOD; sendSystemMsg($standings[$i][2][0], '比赛成绩公布', $content); } DB::query("update contests set status = 'finished' where id = {$contest['id']}"); }; $publish_result_form->submit_button_config['class_str'] = 'btn btn-danger d-block w-100'; $publish_result_form->submit_button_config['smart_confirm'] = ''; $publish_result_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '公布成绩'; $publish_result_form->runAtServer(); } } if ($cur_tab == 'dashboard') { if ($contest['cur_progress'] <= CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS) { $post_question = new UOJForm('post_question'); $post_question->addVTextArea('qcontent', '问题', '', function($content) { if (!Auth::check()) { return '您尚未登录'; } if (!$content || strlen($content) == 0) { return '问题不能为空'; } if (strlen($content) > 140 * 4) { return '问题太长'; } return ''; }, null ); $post_question->handle = function() { global $contest; $content = DB::escape($_POST['qcontent']); $username = Auth::id(); DB::query("insert into contests_asks (contest_id, question, username, post_time, is_hidden) values ('{$contest['id']}', '$content', '$username', now(), 1)"); }; $post_question->runAtServer(); } else { $post_question = null; } } elseif ($cur_tab == 'backstage') { if (isSuperUser(Auth::user())) { $post_notice = new UOJForm('post_notice'); $post_notice->addVInput('title', 'text', '标题', '', function($title) { if (!$title) { return '标题不能为空'; } return ''; }, null ); $post_notice->addVTextArea('content', '正文', '', function($content) { if (!$content) { return '公告不能为空'; } return ''; }, null ); $post_notice->handle = function() { global $contest; $title = DB::escape($_POST['title']); $content = DB::escape($_POST['content']); DB::insert("insert into contests_notice (contest_id, title, content, time) values ('{$contest['id']}', '$title', '$content', now())"); }; $post_notice->runAtServer(); } else { $post_notice = null; } if (hasContestPermission(Auth::user(), $contest)) { $reply_question = new UOJForm('reply_question'); $reply_question->addHidden('rid', '0', function($id) { global $contest; if (!validateUInt($id)) { return '无效ID'; } $q = DB::selectFirst("select * from contests_asks where id = $id"); if ($q['contest_id'] != $contest['id']) { return '无效ID'; } return ''; }, null ); $reply_question->addVSelect('rtype', [ 'public' => '公开', 'private' => '非公开', 'statement' => '请仔细阅读题面(非公开)', 'no_comment' => '无可奉告(非公开)', 'no_play' => '请认真比赛(非公开)', ], '回复类型', 'private'); $reply_question->addVTextArea('rcontent', '回复', '', function($content) { if (!Auth::check()) { return '您尚未登录'; } switch ($_POST['rtype']) { case 'public': case 'private': if (strlen($content) == 0) { return '回复不能为空'; } break; } return ''; }, null ); $reply_question->handle = function() { global $contest; $content = DB::escape($_POST['rcontent']); $is_hidden = 1; switch ($_POST['rtype']) { case 'statement': $content = '请仔细阅读题面'; break; case 'no_comment': $content = '无可奉告 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ '; break; case 'no_play': $content = '请认真比赛 ( ̄口 ̄)!!'; break; case 'public': $is_hidden = 0; break; default: break; } DB::update("update contests_asks set answer = '$content', reply_time = now(), is_hidden = {$is_hidden} where id = {$_POST['rid']}"); }; $reply_question->runAtServer(); } else { $reply_question = null; } } elseif ($cur_tab == 'self_reviews') { if (hasParticipated(Auth::user(), $contest)) { $self_reviews_update_form = new UOJForm('self_review_update'); $self_reviews_update_form->ctrl_enter_submit = true; $contest_problems = DB::selectAll("select problem_id from contests_problems where contest_id = {$contest['id']} order by dfn, problem_id"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($contest_problems); $i++) { $contest_problems[$i]['problem'] = queryProblemBrief($contest_problems[$i]['problem_id']); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($contest_problems); $i++) { $content = DB::selectFirst("select content from contests_reviews where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and problem_id = {$contest_problems[$i]['problem_id']} and poster = '{$myUser['username']}'")['content']; $self_reviews_update_form->addVTextArea('self_review_update__problem_' . chr(ord('A') + $i), '' . chr(ord('A') + $i) . ': ' . $contest_problems[$i]['problem']['title'], $content, function ($content) { if (strlen($content) > 200) { return '总结不能超过200字'; } return ''; }, null, true ); } $content = DB::selectFirst("select content from contests_reviews where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and problem_id = -1 and poster = '{$myUser['username']}'")['content']; $self_reviews_update_form->addVTextArea('self_review_update__overall', '比赛总结', $content, function ($content) { if (strlen($content) > 200) { return '总结不能超过200字'; } return ''; }, null, true ); $self_reviews_update_form->handle = function() { global $contest, $contest_problems, $myUser; for ($i = 0; $i < count($contest_problems); $i++) { if (isset($_POST['self_review_update__problem_' . chr(ord('A') + $i)])) { $esc_content = DB::escape($_POST['self_review_update__problem_' . chr(ord('A') + $i)]); $problem_id = $contest_problems[$i]['problem_id']; DB::query("replace into contests_reviews (contest_id, problem_id, poster, content) values ({$contest['id']}, $problem_id, '{$myUser['username']}', '$esc_content')"); } } if (isset($_POST['self_review_update__overall'])) { $esc_content = DB::escape($_POST['self_review_update__overall']); DB::query("replace into contests_reviews (contest_id, problem_id, poster, content) values ({$contest['id']}, -1, '{$myUser['username']}', '$esc_content')"); } }; $self_reviews_update_form->runAtServer(); } } function echoDashboard() { global $contest, $post_notice, $post_question, $reply_question; $myname = Auth::id(); $contest_problems = DB::selectAll("select contests_problems.problem_id, best_ac_submissions.submission_id from contests_problems left join best_ac_submissions on contests_problems.problem_id = best_ac_submissions.problem_id and submitter = '{$myname}' where contest_id = {$contest['id']} order by contests_problems.dfn, contests_problems.problem_id"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($contest_problems); $i++) { $contest_problems[$i]['problem'] = queryProblemBrief($contest_problems[$i]['problem_id']); } $contest_notice = DB::selectAll("select * from contests_notice where contest_id = {$contest['id']} order by time desc"); if (Auth::check()) { $my_questions = DB::selectAll("select * from contests_asks where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and username = '{$myname}' order by post_time desc"); $my_questions_pag = new Paginator([ 'data' => $my_questions ]); } else { $my_questions_pag = null; } $others_questions_pag = new Paginator([ 'col_names' => array('*'), 'table_name' => 'contests_asks', 'cond' => "contest_id = {$contest['id']} and username != '{$myname}' and is_hidden = 0", 'tail' => 'order by reply_time desc', 'page_len' => 10 ]); uojIncludeView('contest-dashboard', [ 'contest' => $contest, 'contest_notice' => $contest_notice, 'contest_problems' => $contest_problems, 'post_question' => $post_question, 'my_questions_pag' => $my_questions_pag, 'others_questions_pag' => $others_questions_pag, ]); } function echoBackstage() { global $contest, $post_notice, $reply_question; $questions_pag = new Paginator([ 'col_names' => array('*'), 'table_name' => 'contests_asks', 'cond' => "contest_id = {$contest['id']}", 'tail' => 'order by post_time desc', 'page_len' => 50 ]); if ($contest['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_TESTING) { $contest_data = queryContestData($contest, ['pre_final' => true]); calcStandings($contest, $contest_data, $score, $standings); $standings_data = [ 'contest' => $contest, 'standings' => $standings, 'score' => $score, 'contest_data' => $contest_data ]; } else { $standings_data = null; } uojIncludeView('contest-backstage', [ 'contest' => $contest, 'post_notice' => $post_notice, 'reply_question' => $reply_question, 'questions_pag' => $questions_pag, 'standings_data' => $standings_data ]); } function echoMySubmissions() { global $contest, $myUser; $show_all_submissions_status = Cookie::get('show_all_submissions') !== null ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''; $show_all_submissions = UOJLocale::get('contests::show all submissions'); echo <<此次比赛为 OI 赛制。
此次比赛为 IOI 赛制。
= UOJLocale::get('contests::contest registrants') ?> 管理