$val) { if ($val === null) continue; $html .= ' ' . $key . '="'; $html .= HTML::escape(is_array($val) ? implode(' ', $val) : $val); $html .= '"'; } return $html; } public static function tag_begin(string $name, array $attr = []) { return '<' . $name . HTML::attr($attr) . '>'; } public static function tag_end(string $name) { return ''; } public static function tag(string $name, array $attr, $content) { return HTML::tag_begin($name, $attr) . (is_array($content) ? implode('', $content) : $content) . HTML::tag_end($name); } public static function empty_tag(string $name, array $attr) { return '<' . $name . HTML::attr($attr) . ' />'; } public static function avatar_addr($user, $size) { $extra = UOJUser::getExtra($user); if ($extra['avatar_source'] == 'qq' && $user['qq']) { $s = '5'; if ($size <= 40) { $s = '2'; } elseif ($size <= 100) { $s = '3'; } elseif ($size <= 140) { $s = '4'; } return "https://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk={$user['qq']}&s=$s"; } return 'https://cravatar.cn/avatar/' . md5(strtolower(trim($user['email']))) . "?d=404&s=$size"; } public static function tablist($tabs_info, $cur, $type = 'nav-tabs') { $html = HTML::tag_begin('ul', ['class' => "nav $type", 'role' => 'tablist']); foreach ($tabs_info as $id => $tab) { $html .= HTML::tag('li', ['class' => 'nav-item'], HTML::tag('a', [ 'class' => 'nav-link' . ($cur == $id ? ' active' : ''), 'href' => $tab['url'], 'role' => 'tab', ], $tab['name'])); } $html .= HTML::tag_end('ul'); return $html; } public static function navListGroup($tabs_info, $cur) { $html = '
'; foreach ($tabs_info as $id => $tab) { $html .= '' . $tab['name'] . ''; } $html .= '
'; return $html; } public static function hiddenToken() { return HTML::empty_tag('input', ['type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '_token', 'value' => crsf_token()]); } public static function div_vinput($name, $type, $label_text, $default_value) { return '
' . '' . '' . '' . '
'; } public static function div_vtextarea($name, $label_text, $default_value) { return '
' . '' . '' . '' . '
'; } public static function checkbox($name, $default_value) { $status = $default_value ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''; return ''; } public static function option($value, $text, $selected) { return ''; } public static function tr_none() { return '' . UOJLocale::get('none') . ''; } public static function blog_url($username, $uri, array $cfg = []) { $cfg += [ 'escape' => true ]; switch (UOJConfig::$data['switch']['blog-domain-mode']) { case 1: $port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':' . UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port']); $url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] . '://' . blog_name_encode($username) . '.' . UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['host'] . $port; break; case 2: $port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':' . UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port']); $url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] . '://' . UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['host'] . $port . '/' . blog_name_encode($username); break; case 3: $url = HTML::url('/blog/' . blog_name_encode($username)); break; } $url .= $uri; $url = rtrim($url, '/'); if ($cfg['escape']) { $url = HTML::escape($url); } return $url; } public static function blog_list_url() { switch (UOJConfig::$data['switch']['blog-domain-mode']) { case 1: case 2: $port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':' . UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port']); $url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] . '://' . UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['host'] . $port; break; case 3: $url = HTML::url('/blogs'); break; } return HTML::escape(rtrim($url, '/')); } public static function url($uri, array $cfg = []) { $cfg += [ 'location' => 'main', 'params' => null, 'remove_all_params' => false, 'with_token' => false, 'escape' => true ]; if ($cfg['location'] == 'cdn' && !UOJContext::hasCDN()) { $cfg['location'] = 'main'; } if (strStartWith($uri, '?')) { $path = strtok(UOJContext::requestURI(), '?'); $qs = strtok($uri, '?'); } else { $path = strtok($uri, '?'); $qs = strtok('?'); } parse_str($qs, $param); if ($cfg['remove_all_params']) { $param = []; } elseif ($cfg['params'] != null) { $param = array_merge($param, $cfg['params']); } if ($cfg['with_token']) { $param['_token'] = crsf_token(); } $protocol = HTML::protocol($cfg['location']); $url = $protocol . '://' . UOJConfig::$data['web'][$cfg['location']]['host']; if (HTML::port($cfg['location']) != HTML::standard_port($protocol)) { $url .= ':' . HTML::port($cfg['location']); } if ($param) { $url .= $path . '?' . HTML::query_string_encode($param); } elseif ($path != '/') { $url .= rtrim($path, '/'); } else { $url .= $path; } if ($cfg['escape']) { $url = HTML::escape($url); } return $url; } public static function timeanddate_url(DateTime $time, array $cfg = []) { $url = HTML::protocol() . '://'; $url .= 'www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html'; $url .= '?' . 'iso=' . $time->format('Ymd\THi'); $url .= '&' . 'p1=33'; if (isset($cfg['duration']) && $cfg['duration'] < 3600) { $url .= '&' . 'ah=' . floor($cfg['duration'] / 60); if ($cfg['duration'] % 60 != 0) { $url .= '&' . 'am=' . ($cfg['duration'] % 60); } } return HTML::escape($url); } public static function relative_time_str($time, $gran = -1) { $d = [ [1, 'seconds'], [60, 'minutes'], [3600, 'hours'], [86400, 'days'], [604800, 'weeks'], [2592000, 'months'], [31536000, 'years'], ]; $w = []; $res = ""; $diff = time() - $time; $secondsLeft = $diff; $stopat = 0; for ($i = 6; $i > $gran; $i--) { $w[$i] = intval($secondsLeft / $d[$i][0]); $secondsLeft -= ($w[$i] * $d[$i][0]); if ($w[$i] != 0) { $res .= UOJLocale::get('time::x ' . $d[$i][1], abs($w[$i])) . " "; switch ($i) { case 6: // shows years and months if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 5; } break; case 5: // shows months and weeks if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 4; } break; case 4: // shows weeks and days if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 3; } break; case 3: // shows days and hours if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 2; } break; case 2: // shows hours and minutes if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 1; } break; case 1: // shows minutes and seconds if granularity is not set higher break; } if ($i <= $stopat) { break; } } } $res .= ($diff > 0) ? UOJLocale::get('time::ago') : UOJLocale::get('time::left'); return $res; } public static function link(?string $uri, $text, $cfg = []) { $cfg += ['location' => 'main', 'escape' => true]; if ($cfg['escape']) { $text = HTML::escape($text); } if ($uri === null) { return HTML::tag('a', [], $text); } return HTML::tag('a', ['href' => HTML::url($uri, $cfg)], $text); } public static function autolink(string $url, array $attr = [], $cfg = []) { $cfg += ['escape' => true]; $text = $url; if ($cfg['escape']) { $text = HTML::escape($text); } return '' . $text . ''; } public static function js_src(string $uri, array $cfg = []) { $cfg += [ 'location' => 'cdn', 'async' => false ]; $async = empty($cfg['async']) ? '' : 'async '; return ''; } public static function css_link(string $uri, $cfg = []) { $cfg += ['location' => 'cdn']; return ''; } public static function table($header, iterable $data, $cfg = []) { mergeConfig($cfg, [ 'th' => function ($c) { return "{$c}"; }, 'td' => function ($d) { return "{$d}"; }, 'tr' => false, // if tr is a function, then td and tr_attr is disabled 'empty' => 'HTML::tr_none', 'table_attr' => [ 'class' => ['table'], ], 'thead_attr' => [], 'tbody_attr' => [], 'tr_attr' => function ($row, $idx) { return []; } ]); $html = HTML::tag_begin('table', $cfg['table_attr']); $html .= HTML::tag_begin('thead', $cfg['thead_attr']); if (is_array($header)) { $html .= '' . implode(' ', array_map($cfg['th'], array_values($header), array_keys($header))) . ''; } else { $html .= $header; } $html .= HTML::tag_end('thead'); $html .= HTML::tag_begin('tbody', $cfg['tbody_attr']); if (is_iterable($data)) { $data_html = []; if (is_callable($cfg['tr'])) { foreach ($data as $idx => $row) { $data_html[] = $cfg['tr']($row, $idx); } } else { foreach ($data as $idx => $row) { $data_html[] = HTML::tag_begin('tr', $cfg['tr_attr']($row, $idx)); if (is_array($row)) { foreach ($row as $cidx => $c) { $data_html[] = $cfg['td']($c, $cidx); } } else { $data_html[] = $row; } $data_html[] = HTML::tag_end('tr'); } } $data_html = implode($data_html); } else { $data_html = $data; } $html .= $data_html !== '' ? $data_html : $cfg['empty'](); $html .= HTML::tag_end('tbody'); $html .= HTML::tag_end('table'); return $html; } public static function responsive_table($header, $data, $cfg = []) { return HTML::tag_begin('div', ['class' => 'table-responsive']) . HTML::table($header, $data, $cfg) . HTML::tag_end('div'); } public static function query_string_encode($q, $array_name = null) { if (!is_array($q)) { return false; } $r = array(); foreach ((array)$q as $k => $v) { if ($array_name !== null) { if (is_numeric($k)) { $k = $array_name . "[]"; } else { $k = $array_name . "[$k]"; } } if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) { $r[] = self::query_string_encode($v, $k); } else { $r[] = urlencode($k) . "=" . urlencode($v); } } return implode("&", $r); } public static function purifier($extra_allowed_html = []) { $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('Output.Newline', true); $def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(true); $def->addElement('section', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'); $def->addElement('nav', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'); $def->addElement('article', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'); $def->addElement('aside', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'); $def->addElement('header', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'); $def->addElement('footer', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'); mergeConfig($extra_allowed_html, [ 'div' => [ 'data-pdf' => 'Text', 'data-src' => 'URI', ], 'span' => [ 'class' => 'Enum#uoj-username', 'data-realname' => 'Text', 'data-color' => 'Color', ], 'img' => ['width' => 'Text'], ]); foreach ($extra_allowed_html as $element => $attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $type) { $def->addAttribute($element, $attribute, $type); } } return new HTMLPurifier($config); } public static function purifier_inline() { $allowed_html = [ 'a' => ['href' => 'URI'], 'b' => [], 'i' => [], 'u' => [], 's' => [], 'em' => [], 'strong' => [], 'sub' => [], 'sup' => [], 'small' => [], 'del' => [], 'br' => [], 'span' => [ 'class' => 'Enum#uoj-username', 'data-realname' => 'Text', 'data-color' => 'Color', ], ]; $allowed_elements = []; $allowed_attributes = []; foreach ($allowed_html as $element => $attributes) { $allowed_elements[$element] = true; foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $type) { $allowed_attributes["$element.$attribute"] = true; } } $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('HTML.AllowedElements', $allowed_elements); $config->set('HTML.AllowedAttributes', $allowed_attributes); $def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(true); foreach ($allowed_html as $element => $attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $type) { $def->addAttribute($element, $attribute, $type); } } return new HTMLPurifier($config); } public static function parsedown($config = []) { return new UOJMarkdown($config + [ 'math' => [ 'enabled' => true, 'matchSingleDollar' => true ] ]); } public static function echoPanel($cls = [], $title, $body, $other = null) { if (is_string($cls)) { $cls = ['card' => $cls]; } $cls += [ 'card' => '', 'header' => '', 'body' => '', ]; echo '
'; echo '
', $title, '
'; if ($body !== null) { echo '
'; if (is_string($body)) { echo $body; } else { $body(); } echo '
'; } if ($other !== null) { if (is_string($other)) { echo $other; } else { $other(); } } echo '
'; } }