<?php requirePHPLib('form'); if (!validateUInt($_GET['id']) || !($contest = queryContest($_GET['id']))) { become404Page(); } genMoreContestInfo($contest); if (!hasContestPermission($myUser, $contest)) { if ($contest['cur_progress'] == CONTEST_NOT_STARTED) { header("Location: /contest/{$contest['id']}/register"); die(); } elseif ($contest['cur_progress'] == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS) { if ($myUser == null || !hasRegistered($myUser, $contest)) { becomeMsgPage("<h1>比赛正在进行中</h1><p>很遗憾,您尚未报名。比赛结束后再来看吧~</p>"); } } } if (isset($_POST['check_notice'])) { $result = mysql_query("select * from contests_notice where contest_id = '${contest['id']}' order by time desc limit 1"); try { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (new DateTime($row['time']) > new DateTime($_POST['last_time'])) { die(json_encode(array('msg' => $row['title'] . ' : ' . $row['content'], 'time' => UOJTime::$time_now_str))); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } die(json_encode(array('time' => UOJTime::$time_now_str))); } if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { $cur_tab = $_GET['tab']; } else { $cur_tab = 'dashboard'; } // problems: pos => id // data : id, submit_time, submitter, problem_pos, score // people : username, user_rating function queryContestData() { global $contest; $problems = array(); $prob_pos = array(); $n_problems = 0; $result = mysql_query("select problem_id from contests_problems where contest_id = ${contest['id']} order by problem_id"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $prob_pos[$problems[] = (int)$row[0]] = $n_problems++; } $data = array(); if ($contest['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_FINISHED) { $result = mysql_query("select id, submit_time, submitter, problem_id, score from submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and score is not null order by id"); } else { $result = mysql_query("select submission_id, date_add('{$contest['start_time_str']}', interval penalty second), submitter, problem_id, score from contests_submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']}"); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $row[0] = (int)$row[0]; $row[3] = $prob_pos[$row[3]]; $row[4] = (int)$row[4]; $data[] = $row; } $people = array(); $result = mysql_query("select username, user_rating from contests_registrants where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and has_participated = 1"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $row[1] = (int)$row[1]; $people[] = $row; } return array('problems' => $problems, 'data' => $data, 'people' => $people); } function calcStandings($contest_data, &$score, &$standings, $update_contests_submissions = false) { global $contest; // score: username, problem_pos => score, penalty, id $score = array(); $n_people = count($contest_data['people']); $n_problems = count($contest_data['problems']); foreach ($contest_data['people'] as $person) { $score[$person[0]] = array(); } foreach ($contest_data['data'] as $submission) { $penalty = (new DateTime($submission[1]))->getTimestamp() - $contest['start_time']->getTimestamp(); if ($contest['extra_config']['standings_version'] >= 2) { if ($submission[4] == 0) { $penalty = 0; } } $score[$submission[2]][$submission[3]] = array($submission[4], $penalty, $submission[0]); } // standings: rank => score, penalty, [username, user_rating], virtual_rank $standings = array(); foreach ($contest_data['people'] as $person) { $cur = array(0, 0, $person); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_problems; $i++) { if (isset($score[$person[0]][$i])) { $cur_row = $score[$person[0]][$i]; $cur[0] += $cur_row[0]; $cur[1] += $cur_row[1]; if ($update_contests_submissions) { DB::insert("insert into contests_submissions (contest_id, submitter, problem_id, submission_id, score, penalty) values ({$contest['id']}, '{$person[0]}', {$contest_data['problems'][$i]}, {$cur_row[2]}, {$cur_row[0]}, {$cur_row[1]})"); } } } $standings[] = $cur; } usort($standings, function($lhs, $rhs) { if ($lhs[0] != $rhs[0]) { return $rhs[0] - $lhs[0]; } else if ($lhs[1] != $rhs[1]) { return $lhs[1] - $rhs[1]; } else { return strcmp($lhs[2][0], $rhs[2][0]); } }); $is_same_rank = function($lhs, $rhs) { return $lhs[0] == $rhs[0] && $lhs[1] == $rhs[1]; }; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_people; $i++) { if ($i == 0 || !$is_same_rank($standings[$i - 1], $standings[$i])) { $standings[$i][] = $i + 1; } else { $standings[$i][] = $standings[$i - 1][3]; } } } if (isSuperUser($myUser)) { if (CONTEST_PENDING_FINAL_TEST <= $contest['cur_progress'] && $contest['cur_progress'] <= CONTEST_TESTING) { $start_test_form = new UOJForm('start_test'); $start_test_form->handle = function() { global $contest; $result = mysql_query("select id, problem_id, content from submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']}"); while ($submission = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if (!isset($contest['extra_config']["problem_{$submission['problem_id']}"])) { $content = json_decode($submission['content'], true); if (isset($content['final_test_config'])) { $content['config'] = $content['final_test_config']; unset($content['final_test_config']); } if (isset($content['first_test_config'])) { unset($content['first_test_config']); } $esc_content = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($content)); DB::update("update submissions set judge_time = NULL, result = '', score = NULL, status = 'Waiting Rejudge', content = '$esc_content' where id = {$submission['id']}"); } } mysql_query("update contests set status = 'testing' where id = {$contest['id']}"); }; $start_test_form->submit_button_config['class_str'] = 'btn btn-danger btn-block'; $start_test_form->submit_button_config['smart_confirm'] = ''; if ($contest['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_TESTING) { $start_test_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '开始最终测试'; } else { $start_test_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '重新开始最终测试'; } $start_test_form->runAtServer(); } if ($contest['cur_progress'] >= CONTEST_TESTING) { $publish_result_form = new UOJForm('publish_result'); $publish_result_form->handle = function() { // time config set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(true); global $contest; $contest_data = queryContestData(); calcStandings($contest_data, $score, $standings, true); if (!isset($contest['extra_config']['unrated'])) { $rating_k = isset($contest['extra_config']['rating_k']) ? $contest['extra_config']['rating_k'] : 400; $ratings = calcRating($standings, $rating_k); } else { $ratings = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($standings); $i++) { $ratings[$i] = $standings[$i][2][1]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($standings); $i++) { $user = queryUser($standings[$i][2][0]); $change = $ratings[$i] - $user['rating']; $user_link = getUserLink($user['username']); if ($change != 0) { $tail = '<strong style="color:red">' . ($change > 0 ? '+' : '') . $change . '</strong>'; $content = <<<EOD <p>${user_link} 您好:</p> <p class="indent2">您在 <a href="/contest/{$contest['id']}">{$contest['name']}</a> 这场比赛后的Rating变化为${tail},当前Rating为 <strong style="color:red">{$ratings[$i]}</strong>。</p> EOD; } else { $content = <<<EOD <p>${user_link} 您好:</p> <p class="indent2">您在 <a href="/contest/{$contest['id']}">{$contest['name']}</a> 这场比赛后Rating没有变化。当前Rating为 <strong style="color:red">{$ratings[$i]}</strong>。</p> EOD; } sendSystemMsg($user['username'], 'Rating变化通知', $content); mysql_query("update user_info set rating = {$ratings[$i]} where username = '{$standings[$i][2][0]}'"); mysql_query("update contests_registrants set rank = {$standings[$i][3]} where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and username = '{$standings[$i][2][0]}'"); } mysql_query("update contests set status = 'finished' where id = {$contest['id']}"); }; $publish_result_form->submit_button_config['class_str'] = 'btn btn-danger btn-block'; $publish_result_form->submit_button_config['smart_confirm'] = ''; $publish_result_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '公布成绩'; $publish_result_form->runAtServer(); } } function echoDashboard() { global $myUser, $contest, $post_notice; echo '<div class="table-responsive">'; echo '<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped table-text-center">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<th style="width:5em">#</th>'; echo '<th>', UOJLocale::get('problems::problem'), '</th>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; $contest_problems = DB::selectAll("select contests_problems.problem_id, best_ac_submissions.submission_id from contests_problems left join best_ac_submissions on contests_problems.problem_id = best_ac_submissions.problem_id and submitter = '{$myUser['username']}' where contest_id = {$contest['id']} order by contests_problems.problem_id asc"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($contest_problems); $i++) { $problem = queryProblemBrief($contest_problems[$i]['problem_id']); echo '<tr>'; if ($contest_problems[$i]['submission_id']) { echo '<td class="success">'; } else { echo '<td>'; } echo chr(ord('A') + $i), '</td>'; echo '<td>', getContestProblemLink($problem, $contest['id']), '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<h3>', UOJLocale::get('contests::contest notice'), '</h3>'; $header = ''; $header .= '<tr>'; $header .= '<th style="width:10em">'.UOJLocale::get('title').'</th>'; $header .= '<th>'.UOJLocale::get('content').'</th>'; $header .= '<th style="width:12em">'.UOJLocale::get('time').'</th>'; $header .= '</tr>'; echoLongTable(array('*'), 'contests_notice', "contest_id = '{$contest['id']}'", "order by time desc", $header, function($notice) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>', HTML::escape($notice['title']), '</td>'; echo '<td style="white-space:pre-wrap; text-align: left">', $notice['content'], '</td>'; echo '<td>', $notice['time'], '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; }, array( 'table_classes' => array('table', 'table-bordered', 'table-hover', 'table-striped', 'table-vertical-middle', 'table-text-center'), 'echo_full' => true ) ); if (isSuperUser(Auth::user())) { echo '<div class="text-center">'; echo '<button id="button-display-post-notice" type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs">发布比赛公告</button>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="div-form-post-notice" style="display:none" class="bot-buffer-md">'; $post_notice->printHTML(); echo '</div>'; echo <<<EOD <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#button-display-post-notice').click(function() { $('#div-form-post-notice').toggle('fast'); }); }); </script> EOD; } } function echoMySubmissions() { global $contest, $myUser; $show_all_submissions_status = Cookie::get('show_all_submissions') !== null ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''; $show_all_submissions = UOJLocale::get('contests::show all submissions'); echo <<<EOD <div class="checkbox text-right"> <label for="input-show_all_submissions"><input type="checkbox" id="input-show_all_submissions" $show_all_submissions_status/> $show_all_submissions</label> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#input-show_all_submissions').click(function() { if (this.checked) { $.cookie('show_all_submissions', ''); } else { $.removeCookie('show_all_submissions'); } location.reload(); }); </script> EOD; if (Cookie::get('show_all_submissions') !== null) { echoSubmissionsList("contest_id = {$contest['id']}", 'order by id desc', array('judge_time_hidden' => ''), $myUser); } else { echoSubmissionsList("submitter = '{$myUser['username']}' and contest_id = {$contest['id']}", 'order by id desc', array('judge_time_hidden' => ''), $myUser); } } function echoStandings() { global $contest; $contest_data = queryContestData(); calcStandings($contest_data, $score, $standings); echo '<div id="standings">'; echo '</div>'; /* echo '<div class="table-responsive">'; echo '<table id="standings-table" class="table table-bordered table-striped table-text-center table-vertical-middle">'; echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; */ echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'standings_version=', $contest['extra_config']['standings_version'], ';'; echo 'contest_id=', $contest['id'], ';'; echo 'standings=', json_encode($standings), ';'; echo 'score=', json_encode($score), ';'; echo 'problems=', json_encode($contest_data['problems']), ';'; echo '$(document).ready(showStandings());'; echo '</script>'; } function echoContestCountdown() { global $contest; $rest_second = $contest['end_time']->getTimestamp() - UOJTime::$time_now->getTimestamp(); $time_str = UOJTime::$time_now_str; $contest_ends_in = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest ends in'); echo <<<EOD <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">$contest_ends_in</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body text-center countdown" data-rest="$rest_second"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> checkContestNotice({$contest['id']}, '$time_str'); </script> EOD; } function echoContestJudgeProgress() { global $contest; if ($contest['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_TESTING) { $rop = 0; $title = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest pending final test'); } else { $total = DB::selectCount("select count(*) from submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']}"); $n_judged = DB::selectCount("select count(*) from submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and status = 'Judged'"); $rop = $total == 0 ? 100 : (int)($n_judged / $total * 100); $title = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest final testing'); } echo <<<EOD <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">$title</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="progress bot-buffer-no"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="$rop" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {$rop}%; min-width: 20px;">{$rop}%</div> </div> </div> </div> EOD; } function echoContestFinished() { $title = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest ended'); echo <<<EOD <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">$title</h3> </div> </div> EOD; } $post_notice = new UOJForm('post_notice'); $post_notice->addInput('title', 'text', '标题', '', function($title) { if (!$title) { return '标题不能为空'; } return ''; }, null ); $post_notice->addTextArea('content', '正文', '', function($content) { if (!$content) { return '公告不能为空'; } return ''; }, null ); $post_notice->handle = function() { global $contest; $title = DB::escape($_POST['title']); $content = DB::escape($_POST['content']); mysql_query("insert into contests_notice (contest_id, title, content, time) values ('{$contest['id']}', '$title', '$content', now())"); }; $post_notice->runAtServer(); $tabs_info = array( 'dashboard' => array( 'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest dashboard'), 'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}" ), 'submissions' => array( 'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest submissions'), 'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/submissions" ), 'standings' => array( 'name' => UOJLocale::get('contests::contest standings'), 'url' => "/contest/{$contest['id']}/standings" ) ); if (!isset($tabs_info[$cur_tab])) { become404Page(); } $page_header = HTML::stripTags($contest['name']) . ' - '; ?> <?php echoUOJPageHeader(HTML::stripTags($contest['name']) . ' - ' . $tabs_info[$cur_tab]['name'] . ' - ' . UOJLocale::get('contests::contest')) ?> <div class="text-center"> <h1><?= $contest['name'] ?></h1> <?= getClickZanBlock('C', $contest['id'], $contest['zan']) ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php if ($cur_tab == 'standings'): ?> <div class="col-sm-12"> <?php else: ?> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php endif ?> <?= HTML::tablist($tabs_info, $cur_tab) ?> <div class="top-buffer-md"> <?php if ($cur_tab == 'dashboard') { echoDashboard(); } elseif ($cur_tab == 'submissions') { echoMySubmissions(); } elseif ($cur_tab == 'standings') { echoStandings(); } ?> </div> </div> <?php if ($cur_tab == 'standings'): ?> <div class="col-sm-12"> <hr /> </div> <?php endif ?> <div class="col-sm-3"> <?php if ($contest['cur_progress'] <= CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS) { echoContestCountdown(); } else if ($contest['cur_progress'] <= CONTEST_TESTING) { echoContestJudgeProgress(); } else { echoContestFinished(); } ?> <?php if ($cur_tab == 'standings'): ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-3"> <?php endif ?> <p>此次比赛为OI赛制。</p> <p><strong>注意:比赛时只显示测样例的结果。</strong></p> <a href="/contest/<?=$contest['id']?>/registrants" class="btn btn-info btn-block"><?= UOJLocale::get('contests::contest registrants') ?></a> <?php if (isSuperUser($myUser)): ?> <a href="/contest/<?=$contest['id']?>/manage" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">管理</a> <?php if (isset($start_test_form)): ?> <div class="top-buffer-sm"> <?php $start_test_form->printHTML(); ?> </div> <?php endif ?> <?php if (isset($publish_result_form)): ?> <div class="top-buffer-sm"> <?php $publish_result_form->printHTML(); ?> </div> <?php endif ?> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($contest['extra_config']['links']) { ?> <?php if ($cur_tab == 'standings'): ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-3"> <div class="panel panel-info"> <?php else: ?> <div class="panel panel-info top-buffer-lg"> <?php endif ?> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">比赛资料</h3> </div> <div class="list-group"> <?php foreach ($contest['extra_config']['links'] as $link) { ?> <a href="/blog/<?=$link[1]?>" class="list-group-item"><?=$link[0]?></a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php echoUOJPageFooter() ?>