<?php define("CONTEST_NOT_STARTED", 0); define("CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS", 1); define("CONTEST_PENDING_FINAL_TEST", 2); define("CONTEST_TESTING", 10); define("CONTEST_FINISHED", 20); function calcRating($standings, $K = 400) { $DELTA = 500; $n = count($standings); $rating = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $rating[$i] = $standings[$i][2][1]; } $rank = array(); $foot = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ) { $j = $i; while ($j + 1 < $n && $standings[$j + 1][3] == $standings[$j][3]) { ++$j; } $our_rk = 0.5 * (($i + 1) + ($j + 1)); while ($i <= $j) { $rank[$i] = $our_rk; $foot[$i] = $n - $rank[$i]; $i++; } } $weight = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $weight[$i] = pow(7, $rating[$i] / $DELTA); } $exp = array_fill(0, $n, 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < $n; ++$j) { if ($j != $i) { $exp[$i] += $weight[$i] / ($weight[$i] + $weight[$j]); } } } $new_rating = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $new_rating[$i] = $rating[$i]; $new_rating[$i] += ceil($K * ($foot[$i] - $exp[$i]) / ($n - 1)); } for ($i = $n - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($i + 1 < $n && $standings[$i][3] != $standings[$i + 1][3]) { break; } if ($new_rating[$i] > $rating[$i]) { $new_rating[$i] = $rating[$i]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($new_rating[$i] < 0) { $new_rating[$i] = 0; } } return $new_rating; } function calcRatingSelfTest() { $tests = [ [[1500, 1], [1500, 1]], [[1500, 1], [1600, 1]], [[1500, 1], [1600, 2], [1600, 2]], [[1500, 1], [200, 2], [100, 2]], [[1500, 1], [100, 2], [200, 2]], [[1500, 1], [100, 2], [200, 3]], [[1500, 1], [200, 2], [100, 3]], [[1500, 1], [3000, 2], [1500, 3]], [[1500, 1], [3000, 2], [1500, 3], [1500, 3]], [[1500, 1], [1500, 2], [1500, 3], [3000, 4]], [[1500, 1], [1500, 2], [10, 3], [1, 4]] ]; foreach ($tests as $test_num => $test) { print "test #{$test_num}\n"; $standings = array(); $n = count($test); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $standings[] = [0, 0, [(string)$i, $test[$i][0]], $test[$i][1]]; } $new_rating = calcRating($standings); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { printf("%3d: %4d -> %4d delta: %+4d\n", $test[$i][1], $test[$i][0], $new_rating[$i], $new_rating[$i] - $test[$i][0]); } print "\n"; } } function genMoreContestInfo(&$contest) { $contest['start_time_str'] = $contest['start_time']; $contest['start_time'] = new DateTime($contest['start_time']); $contest['end_time'] = clone $contest['start_time']; $contest['end_time']->add(new DateInterval("PT${contest['last_min']}M")); if ($contest['status'] == 'unfinished') { if (UOJTime::$time_now < $contest['start_time']) { $contest['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_NOT_STARTED; } elseif (UOJTime::$time_now < $contest['end_time']) { $contest['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS; } else { $contest['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_PENDING_FINAL_TEST; } } elseif ($contest['status'] == 'testing') { $contest['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_TESTING; } elseif ($contest['status'] == 'finished') { $contest['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_FINISHED; } $contest['extra_config'] = json_decode($contest['extra_config'], true); if (!isset($contest['extra_config']['standings_version'])) { $contest['extra_config']['standings_version'] = 2; } } function updateContestPlayerNum($contest) { DB::update("update contests set player_num = (select count(*) from contests_registrants where contest_id = {$contest['id']}) where id = {$contest['id']}"); } // problems: pos => id // data : id, submit_time, submitter, problem_pos, score // people : username, user_rating function queryContestData($contest, $config = array()) { mergeConfig($config, [ 'pre_final' => false ]); $problems = []; $prob_pos = []; $n_problems = 0; $result = DB::query("select problem_id from contests_problems where contest_id = {$contest['id']} order by problem_id"); while ($row = DB::fetch($result, MYSQLI_NUM)) { $prob_pos[$problems[] = (int)$row[0]] = $n_problems++; } $data = []; if ($config['pre_final']) { $result = DB::query("select id, submit_time, submitter, problem_id, result from submissions" ." where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and score is not null order by id"); while ($row = DB::fetch($result, MYSQLI_NUM)) { $r = json_decode($row[4], true); if (!isset($r['final_result'])) { continue; } $row[0] = (int)$row[0]; $row[3] = $prob_pos[$row[3]]; $row[4] = (int)($r['final_result']['score']); $data[] = $row; } } else { if ($contest['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_FINISHED) { $result = DB::query("select id, submit_time, submitter, problem_id, score from submissions" ." where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and score is not null order by id"); } else { $result = DB::query("select submission_id, date_add('{$contest['start_time_str']}', interval penalty second)," ." submitter, problem_id, score from contests_submissions where contest_id = {$contest['id']}"); } while ($row = DB::fetch($result, MYSQLI_NUM)) { $row[0] = (int)$row[0]; $row[3] = $prob_pos[$row[3]]; $row[4] = (int)$row[4]; $data[] = $row; } } $people = []; $result = DB::query("select username, user_rating from contests_registrants where contest_id = {$contest['id']} and has_participated = 1"); while ($row = DB::fetch($result, MYSQLI_NUM)) { $row[1] = (int)$row[1]; $people[] = $row; } return ['problems' => $problems, 'data' => $data, 'people' => $people]; } function calcStandings($contest, $contest_data, &$score, &$standings, $update_contests_submissions = false) { // score: username, problem_pos => score, penalty, id $score = array(); $n_people = count($contest_data['people']); $n_problems = count($contest_data['problems']); foreach ($contest_data['people'] as $person) { $score[$person[0]] = array(); } foreach ($contest_data['data'] as $submission) { $penalty = (new DateTime($submission[1]))->getTimestamp() - $contest['start_time']->getTimestamp(); if ($contest['extra_config']['standings_version'] >= 2) { if ($submission[4] == 0) { $penalty = 0; } } $score[$submission[2]][$submission[3]] = array($submission[4], $penalty, $submission[0]); } // standings: rank => score, penalty, [username, user_rating], virtual_rank $standings = array(); foreach ($contest_data['people'] as $person) { $cur = array(0, 0, $person); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_problems; $i++) { if (isset($score[$person[0]][$i])) { $cur_row = $score[$person[0]][$i]; $cur[0] += $cur_row[0]; $cur[1] += $cur_row[1]; if ($update_contests_submissions) { DB::insert("insert into contests_submissions (contest_id, submitter, problem_id, submission_id, score, penalty) values ({$contest['id']}, '{$person[0]}', {$contest_data['problems'][$i]}, {$cur_row[2]}, {$cur_row[0]}, {$cur_row[1]})"); } } } $standings[] = $cur; } usort($standings, function($lhs, $rhs) { if ($lhs[0] != $rhs[0]) { return $rhs[0] - $lhs[0]; } elseif ($lhs[1] != $rhs[1]) { return $lhs[1] - $rhs[1]; } else { return strcmp($lhs[2][0], $rhs[2][0]); } }); $is_same_rank = function($lhs, $rhs) { return $lhs[0] == $rhs[0] && $lhs[1] == $rhs[1]; }; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_people; $i++) { if ($i == 0 || !$is_same_rank($standings[$i - 1], $standings[$i])) { $standings[$i][] = $i + 1; } else { $standings[$i][] = $standings[$i - 1][3]; } } }