2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
< ? php
requirePHPLib ( 'judger' );
2019-06-14 15:30:02 +00:00
requirePHPLib ( 'data' );
2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
if ( ! authenticateJudger ()) {
become404Page ();
function submissionJudged () {
$submission = DB :: selectFirst ( " select submitter, status, content, result, problem_id from submissions where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
if ( $submission == null ) {
return ;
if ( $submission [ 'status' ] != 'Judging' && $submission [ 'status' ] != 'Judged, Judging' ) {
return ;
$content = json_decode ( $submission [ 'content' ], true );
if ( isset ( $content [ 'first_test_config' ])) {
$result = json_decode ( $submission [ 'result' ], true );
$result [ 'final_result' ] = json_decode ( $_POST [ 'result' ], true );
$result [ 'final_result' ][ 'details' ] = uojTextEncode ( $result [ 'final_result' ][ 'details' ]);
$esc_result = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $result , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ));
$content [ 'final_test_config' ] = $content [ 'config' ];
$content [ 'config' ] = $content [ 'first_test_config' ];
unset ( $content [ 'first_test_config' ]);
$esc_content = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $content ));
DB :: update ( " update submissions set status = 'Judged', result = ' $esc_result ', content = ' $esc_content ' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
} else {
$result = json_decode ( $_POST [ 'result' ], true );
$result [ 'details' ] = uojTextEncode ( $result [ 'details' ]);
$esc_result = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $result , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ));
if ( isset ( $result [ " error " ])) {
DB :: update ( " update submissions set status = ' { $result [ 'status' ] } ', result_error = ' { $result [ 'error' ] } ', result = ' $esc_result ', score = null, used_time = null, used_memory = null where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
} else {
DB :: update ( " update submissions set status = ' { $result [ 'status' ] } ', result_error = null, result = ' $esc_result ', score = { $result [ 'score' ] } , used_time = { $result [ 'time' ] } , used_memory = { $result [ 'memory' ] } where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
if ( isset ( $content [ 'final_test_config' ])) {
$content [ 'first_test_config' ] = $content [ 'config' ];
$content [ 'config' ] = $content [ 'final_test_config' ];
unset ( $content [ 'final_test_config' ]);
2017-11-25 15:29:18 +00:00
$esc_content = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $content ));
2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
DB :: update ( " update submissions set status = 'Judged, Waiting', content = ' $esc_content ' where id = ${ _POST['id'] } " );
DB :: update ( " update submissions set status_details = '' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
updateBestACSubmissions ( $submission [ 'submitter' ], $submission [ 'problem_id' ]);
function customTestSubmissionJudged () {
$submission = DB :: selectFirst ( " select submitter, status, content, result, problem_id from custom_test_submissions where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
if ( $submission == null ) {
return ;
if ( $submission [ 'status' ] != 'Judging' ) {
return ;
$content = json_decode ( $submission [ 'content' ], true );
$result = json_decode ( $_POST [ 'result' ], true );
$result [ 'details' ] = uojTextEncode ( $result [ 'details' ]);
$esc_result = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $result , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ));
if ( isset ( $result [ " error " ])) {
DB :: update ( " update custom_test_submissions set status = ' { $result [ 'status' ] } ', result = ' $esc_result ' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
} else {
DB :: update ( " update custom_test_submissions set status = ' { $result [ 'status' ] } ', result = ' $esc_result ' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
DB :: update ( " update custom_test_submissions set status_details = '' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
function hackJudged () {
$result = json_decode ( $_POST [ 'result' ], true );
$esc_details = DB :: escape ( uojTextEncode ( $result [ 'details' ]));
$ok = DB :: update ( " update hacks set success = { $result [ 'score' ] } , details = ' $esc_details ' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
if ( $ok ) {
2017-11-25 15:29:18 +00:00
list ( $hack_input ) = DB :: fetch ( DB :: query ( " select input from hacks where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " ), MYSQLI_NUM );
2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
unlink ( UOJContext :: storagePath () . $hack_input );
if ( $result [ 'score' ]) {
2017-11-25 15:29:18 +00:00
list ( $problem_id ) = DB :: selectFirst ( " select problem_id from hacks where id = ${ _POST['id'] } " , MYSQLI_NUM );
2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
if ( validateUploadedFile ( 'hack_input' ) && validateUploadedFile ( 'std_output' )) {
2019-06-14 15:30:02 +00:00
dataAddExtraTest ( queryProblemBrief ( $problem_id ), $_FILES [ " hack_input " ][ " tmp_name " ], $_FILES [ " std_output " ][ " tmp_name " ]);
2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
} else {
error_log ( " hack successfully but received no data. id: ${ _POST['id'] } " );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'submit' ])) {
if ( ! validateUInt ( $_POST [ 'id' ])) {
die ( " Wow! hacker! T_T.... " );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'is_hack' ])) {
hackJudged ();
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'is_custom_test' ])) {
customTestSubmissionJudged ();
} else {
submissionJudged ();
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'update-status' ])) {
if ( ! validateUInt ( $_POST [ 'id' ])) {
die ( " Wow! hacker! T_T.... " );
$esc_status_details = DB :: escape ( $_POST [ 'status' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'is_custom_test' ])) {
DB :: update ( " update custom_test_submissions set status_details = ' $esc_status_details ' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
} else {
DB :: update ( " update submissions set status_details = ' $esc_status_details ' where id = { $_POST [ 'id' ] } " );
die ();
$submission = null ;
$hack = null ;
function querySubmissionToJudge ( $status , $set_q ) {
global $submission ;
$submission = DB :: selectFirst ( " select id, problem_id, content from submissions where status = ' $status ' order by id limit 1 " );
if ( $submission ) {
DB :: update ( " update submissions set $set_q where id = { $submission [ 'id' ] } and status = ' $status ' " );
if ( DB :: affected_rows () != 1 ) {
$submission = null ;
function queryCustomTestSubmissionToJudge () {
global $submission ;
$submission = DB :: selectFirst ( " select id, problem_id, content from custom_test_submissions where judge_time is null order by id limit 1 " );
if ( $submission ) {
DB :: update ( " update custom_test_submissions set judge_time = now(), status = 'Judging' where id = { $submission [ 'id' ] } and judge_time is null " );
if ( DB :: affected_rows () != 1 ) {
$submission = null ;
if ( $submission ) {
$submission [ 'is_custom_test' ] = '' ;
function queryHackToJudge () {
global $hack ;
$hack = DB :: selectFirst ( " select id, submission_id, input, input_type from hacks where judge_time is null order by id limit 1 " );
if ( $hack ) {
DB :: update ( " update hacks set judge_time = now() where id = { $hack [ 'id' ] } and judge_time is null " );
if ( DB :: affected_rows () != 1 ) {
$hack = null ;
function findSubmissionToJudge () {
global $submission , $hack ;
querySubmissionToJudge ( 'Waiting' , " judge_time = now(), status = 'Judging' " );
if ( $submission ) {
return true ;
queryCustomTestSubmissionToJudge ();
if ( $submission ) {
return true ;
querySubmissionToJudge ( 'Waiting Rejudge' , " judge_time = now(), status = 'Judging' " );
if ( $submission ) {
return true ;
querySubmissionToJudge ( 'Judged, Waiting' , " status = 'Judged, Judging' " );
if ( $submission ) {
return true ;
queryHackToJudge ();
if ( $hack ) {
$submission = DB :: selectFirst ( " select id, problem_id, content from submissions where id = { $hack [ 'submission_id' ] } and score = 100 " );
if ( ! $submission ) {
$details = " <error>the score gained by the hacked submission is not 100. \n </error> " ;
$esc_details = DB :: escape ( uojTextEncode ( $details ));
DB :: update ( " update hacks set success = 0, details = ' $esc_details ' where id = { $hack [ 'id' ] } " );
return false ;
return true ;
return false ;
if ( i sset ( $_POST [ 'fetch_new' ]) && ! $_POST [ 'fetch_new' ]) {
die ( " Nothing to judge " );
if ( ! findSubmissionToJudge ()) {
die ( " Nothing to judge " );
$submission [ 'id' ] = ( int ) $submission [ 'id' ];
$submission [ 'problem_id' ] = ( int ) $submission [ 'problem_id' ];
2018-07-09 02:40:30 +00:00
$submission [ 'problem_mtime' ] = filemtime ( " /var/uoj_data/ { $submission [ 'problem_id' ] } " );
2016-07-18 16:39:37 +00:00
$submission [ 'content' ] = json_decode ( $submission [ 'content' ]);
if ( $hack ) {
$submission [ 'is_hack' ] = " " ;
$submission [ 'hack' ][ 'id' ] = ( int ) $hack [ 'id' ];
$submission [ 'hack' ][ 'input' ] = $hack [ 'input' ];
$submission [ 'hack' ][ 'input_type' ] = $hack [ 'input_type' ];
echo json_encode ( $submission );
2022-09-18 04:58:35 +00:00