mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 16:57:03 +00:00
481 lines
14 KiB
481 lines
14 KiB
#include "uoj_judger.h"
void hack_test() {
put_status("Judging Hack ...");
in = work_path "/hack_input.txt";
out = work_path "/pro_output.txt";
ans = work_path "/std_output.txt";
run_result rn;
if (maker) {
if (compile("maker") == false) {
put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Hack Failed : Maker Compile Error", "", "", read_file(result_path "/compile_result.txt", ""));
rn = run_maker(mtL, mmL, moL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Hack Failed : " + info, "", "", "");
if (getValid(in, info));
else put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Hack Failed : Illegal Input", read_file(in, "", 100), "", info), end_info(0);
rn = run_program(stp, in, ans, tL, mL, oL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Hack Failed : std " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), "", ""), end_info(0);
rn = run_program(pro, in, out, tL, mL, oL, info);
int ust = rn.ust, usm = rn.usm;
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(1, 1, -1, -1, "Hack Successfully : " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), "", ""), end_info(0);
rn = run_judge(stL, smL, soL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(1, 1, -1, -1, "Hack Successfully : Checker " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), ""), end_info(0);
else if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5) put_info(1, 0, ust, usm, "Hack failed : Answer is Correct", read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), info), end_info(0);
else put_info(1, 1, ust, usm, "Hack Successfully : Wrong Answer", read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, "", 100)), end_info(0);
void sample_test() {
n = conf_int("n_sample_tests", n);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
put_status("Judging Sample Test ... " + toStr(i));
in = mdata_path + "/" + input(-i);
ans = mdata_path + "/" + output(-i);
out = work_path "/" + output(-i);
int S = conf_int("sample_point_score", i, 100 / n);
if (valid) {
if (getValid(in, info));
else {
put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "Illegal Input", read_file(in, "", 100), "", info);
run_result rn;
if (submit) {
if (file_exist(out)) put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "File not exists", "", "", "");
else {
rn = run_judge(stL, smL, soL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "Checker " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), "");
else {
string ninfo;
if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Accepted";
else if (abs(SCORE()) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Wrong Answer";
else ninfo = "Acceptable Output";
put_info(i, SCORE() * S, -1, -1, ninfo, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, ""));
rn = run_program(pro, in, out, tL, mL, oL, info);
int ust = rn.ust, usm = rn.usm;
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, info, read_file(in, "", 100), "", "");
rn = run_judge(stL, smL, soL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "Checker " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), "");
else {
string ninfo;
if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Accepted", ++cnt;
else if (abs(SCORE()) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Wrong Answer";
else ninfo = "Acceptable Output";
put_info(i, SCORE() * S, ust, usm, ninfo, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, ""));
if (cnt == n) totScore = 100;
void normal_test() {
n = conf_int("n_tests", 10);
m = conf_int("n_ex_tests", 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
put_status("Judging Test ... " + toStr(i));
in = mdata_path + "/" + input(i);
ans = mdata_path + "/" + output(i);
out = work_path "/" + output(i);
int ntL = conf_int("time_limit", i, tL),
nmL = conf_int("memory_limit", i, mL),
noL = conf_int("output_limit", i, oL),
nstL = conf_int("checker_time_limit", i, stL),
nsmL = conf_int("checker_memory_limit", i, smL),
nsoL = conf_int("checker_output_limit", i, soL);
int S = conf_int("point_score", i, 100 / n);
if (valid) {
if (getValid(in, info));
else {
put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "Illegal Input", read_file(in, "", 100), "", info);
run_result rn;
if (submit) {
if (file_exist(out)) put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "File not exists", "", "", "");
else {
rn = run_judge(nstL, nsmL, nsoL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "Checker " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), "");
else {
string ninfo;
if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Accepted";
else if (abs(SCORE()) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Wrong Answer";
else ninfo = "Acceptable Output";
put_info(i, SCORE() * S, -1, -1, ninfo, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, ""));
rn = run_program(pro, in, out, ntL, nmL, noL, info);
int ust = rn.ust, usm = rn.usm;
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, info, read_file(in, "", 100), "", "");
rn = run_judge(nstL, nsmL, nsoL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) put_info(i, 0, -1, -1, "Checker " + info, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), "");
else {
string ninfo;
if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Accepted", ++cnt;
else if (abs(SCORE()) < 1e-5) ninfo = "Wrong Answer";
else ninfo = "Acceptable Output";
put_info(i, SCORE() * S, ust, usm, ninfo, read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, ""));
if (cnt != n) end_info(0);
totScore = 100;
bool pass = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
put_status("Judging Extra Test ... " + toStr(i));
in = mdata_path + "/" + input(-i);
ans = mdata_path + "/" + output(-i);
out = work_path "/" + output(-i);
run_result rn;
if (valid) {
if (getValid(in, info));
else {
put_info(-1, -3, -1, -1, "Extra Test Failed : Illegal Input on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), "", info);
pass = false; break;
rn = run_program(pro, in, out, tL, mL, oL, info);
int ust = rn.ust, usm = rn.usm;
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(-1, -3, -1, -1, "Extra Test Failed : " + info + " on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), "", "");
pass = false; break;
rn = run_judge(stL, smL, soL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(-1, -3, -1, -1, "Extra Test Failed : Checker " + info + " on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), "");
pass = false; break;
else if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5);
else {
put_info(-1, -3, ust, usm, "Extra Test Failed : Wrong Answer on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, "", 100));
pass = false; break;
if (pass && m) put_info(-1, 0, -1, -1, "Pass Extra Test", "", "", "");
void new_ex_test() {
bool pass = true;
put_status("Judging New Extra Test ... ");
int R = conf_int("n_ex_tests", 0);
for (int i = R; i <= R; ++i) {
in = mdata_path + "/" + input(-i);
ans = mdata_path + "/" + output(-i);
if (file_exist(in)) in = mdata_path + "/" + input(i);
if (file_exist(ans)) ans = mdata_path + "/" + input(i);
out = work_path "/" + output(-i);
run_result rn;
if (valid) {
if (getValid(in, info));
else {
put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Extra Test Failed : Illegal Input on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), "", info);
pass = false; break;
rn = run_program(pro, in, out, tL, mL, oL, info);
int ust = rn.ust, usm = rn.usm;
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Extra Test Failed : " + info + " on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), "", "");
pass = false; break;
rn = run_judge(stL, smL, soL, info);
if (rn.type != 0) {
put_info(1, 0, -1, -1, "Extra Test Failed : Checker " + info + " on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), "");
pass = false; break;
else if (abs(SCORE() - 1) < 1e-5);
else {
put_info(1, 0, ust, usm, "Extra Test Failed : Wrong Answer on " + toStr(i), read_file(in, "", 100), read_file(out, "", 100), read_file(res, "", 100));
pass = false; break;
if (pass) put_info(1, 1, -1, -1, "Pass Extra Test", "", "", "");
void ordinary_test() {
int n = conf_int("n_tests", 10);
int m = conf_int("n_ex_tests", 0);
int nT = conf_int("n_subtasks", 0);
if (!conf_is("submit_answer", "on")) {
RunCompilerResult c_ret = !conf_is("with_implementer", "on") ? compile("answer") : compile_with_implementer("answer");
if (!c_ret.succeeded) {
bool passed = true;
if (nT == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
report_judge_status_f("Judging Test #%d", i);
PointInfo po = test_point("answer", i);
if (po.scr != 100) {
passed = false;
po.scr = scale_score(po.scr, conf_int("point_score", i, 100 / n));
} else if (nT == 1) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
report_judge_status_f("Judging Test #%d", i);
PointInfo po = test_point("answer", i);
if (po.scr != 100) {
passed = false;
po.scr = i == 1 ? 0 : -100;
} else {
po.scr = i == 1 ? 100 : 0;
} else {
set<int> passedSubtasks;
for (int t = 1; t <= nT; t++) {
int startI = conf_int("subtask_end", t - 1, 0) + 1;
int endI = conf_int("subtask_end", t, 0);
vector<PointInfo> points;
vector<int> dependences;
if (conf_str("subtask_dependence", t, "none") == "many") {
string cur = "subtask_dependence_" + vtos(t);
int p = 1;
while (conf_int(cur, p, 0) != 0) {
dependences.push_back(conf_int(cur, p, 0));
} else if (conf_int("subtask_dependence", t, 0) != 0) {
dependences.push_back(conf_int("subtask_dependence", t, 0));
bool skipped = false;
for (vector<int>::iterator it = dependences.begin(); it != dependences.end(); it++) {
if (!passedSubtasks.count(*it)) {
skipped = true;
if (skipped) {
add_subtask_info(t, 0, "Skipped", points);
int tfull = conf_int("subtask_score", t, 100 / nT);
int tscore = tfull;
string info = "Accepted";
for (int i = startI; i <= endI; i++) {
report_judge_status_f("Judging Test #%d of Subtask #%d", i, t);
PointInfo po = test_point("answer", i);
if (po.scr != 100) {
passed = false;
po.scr = i == startI ? 0 : -tfull;
tscore = 0;
info = po.info;
} else {
po.scr = i == startI ? tfull : 0;
tscore = tfull;
if (info == "Accepted") {
add_subtask_info(t, tscore, info, points);
if (conf_is("submit_answer", "on") || !passed) {
tot_score = 100;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
report_judge_status_f("Judging Extra Test #%d", i);
PointInfo po = test_point("answer", -i);
if (po.scr != 100) {
po.num = -1;
po.info = "Extra Test Failed : " + po.info + " on " + vtos(i);
po.scr = -3;
if (m != 0) {
PointInfo po(-1, 0, -1, -1, "Extra Test Passed", "", "", "");
void hack_test() {
if (conf_is("submit_answer", "on")) {
end_judge_judgement_failed("Hack is not supported in this problem.");
} else {
RunCompilerResult c_ret = !conf_is("with_implementer", "on") ? compile("answer") : compile_with_implementer("answer");
if (!c_ret.succeeded) {
TestPointConfig tpc;
tpc.input_file_name = work_path + "/hack_input.txt";
tpc.output_file_name = work_path + "/pro_output.txt";
tpc.answer_file_name = work_path + "/std_output.txt";
PointInfo po = test_hack_point("answer", tpc);
void sample_test() {
if (conf_is("submit_answer", "on")) {
int n = conf_int("n_tests", 10);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
report_judge_status_f("Judging Test #%d", i);
PointInfo po = test_point("answer", i);
if (po.scr != 0) {
po.info = "Accepted";
po.scr = 100;
po.scr = scale_score(po.scr, conf_int("point_score", i, 100 / n));
po.res = "no comment";
} else {
RunCompilerResult c_ret = !conf_is("with_implementer", "on") ? compile("answer") : compile_with_implementer("answer");
if (!c_ret.succeeded) {
int n = conf_int("n_sample_tests", 0);
bool passed = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
report_judge_status_f("Judging Sample Test #%d", i);
PointInfo po = test_point("answer", -i);
po.num = i;
if (po.scr != 100) {
passed = false;
po.scr = scale_score(po.scr, 100 / n);
if (passed) {
tot_score = 100;
void custom_test() {
if (conf_is("submit_answer", "on")) {
end_judge_judgement_failed("Custom test is not supported in this problem.");
} else {
RunCompilerResult c_ret = !conf_is("with_implementer", "on") ? compile("answer") : compile_with_implementer("answer");
if (!c_ret.succeeded) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
judger_init(argc, argv);
if (conf_is("test_new_hack_only", "on")) {
} else if (conf_is("test_sample_only", "on")) {
} else if (conf_is("custom_test", "on")) {
} else {
submit = conf_is("submit_answer", "on");
hack = conf_is("test_new_hack_only", "on");
sample = conf_is("test_sample_only", "on");
maker = conf_is("make_hack_test", "on");
valid = conf_is("validate_input_before_test", "on");
newt = conf_is("test_new_extra", "on");
if (submit == 0) {
if (compile("answer") == false) end_info(-1);
jud = config["use_checker"];
pro = work_path "/answer";
mak = work_path "/maker";
stp = mdata_path + "/std";
chk = mdata_path + "/val";
vre = result_path"/valid_result.txt";
sco = result_path"/checker_score.txt";
res = result_path"/checker_result.txt";
tL = conf_int("time_limit", 1);
mL = conf_int("memory_limit", 256);
oL = conf_int("output_limit", 64);
stL = conf_int("checker_time_limit", 10);
smL = conf_int("checker_memory_limit", 256);
soL = conf_int("checker_output_limit", 64);
vtL = conf_int("validator_time_limit", 10);
vmL = conf_int("validator_memory_limit", 256);
voL = conf_int("validator_output_limit", 64);
mtL = conf_int("maker_time_limit", 1);
mmL = conf_int("maker_memory_limit", 256);
moL = conf_int("maker_output_limit", 64);
if (hack) hack_test();
if (sample) sample_test();
if (newt) new_ex_test();