mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 04:07:03 +00:00
596 lines
27 KiB
596 lines
27 KiB
* revised, updated and corrected 27/02/2013
* by matt.sturdy@gmail.com
require '../PHPMailerAutoload.php';
$CFG['smtp_debug'] = 2; //0 == off, 1 for client output, 2 for client and server
$CFG['smtp_debugoutput'] = 'html';
$CFG['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';
$CFG['smtp_port'] = '25';
$CFG['smtp_authenticate'] = false;
$CFG['smtp_username'] = 'name@example.com';
$CFG['smtp_password'] = 'yourpassword';
$CFG['smtp_secure'] = 'None';
$from_name = (isset($_POST['From_Name'])) ? $_POST['From_Name'] : '';
$from_email = (isset($_POST['From_Email'])) ? $_POST['From_Email'] : '';
$to_name = (isset($_POST['To_Name'])) ? $_POST['To_Name'] : '';
$to_email = (isset($_POST['To_Email'])) ? $_POST['To_Email'] : '';
$cc_email = (isset($_POST['cc_Email'])) ? $_POST['cc_Email'] : '';
$bcc_email = (isset($_POST['bcc_Email'])) ? $_POST['bcc_Email'] : '';
$subject = (isset($_POST['Subject'])) ? $_POST['Subject'] : '';
$message = (isset($_POST['Message'])) ? $_POST['Message'] : '';
$test_type = (isset($_POST['test_type'])) ? $_POST['test_type'] : 'smtp';
$smtp_debug = (isset($_POST['smtp_debug'])) ? $_POST['smtp_debug'] : $CFG['smtp_debug'];
$smtp_server = (isset($_POST['smtp_server'])) ? $_POST['smtp_server'] : $CFG['smtp_server'];
$smtp_port = (isset($_POST['smtp_port'])) ? $_POST['smtp_port'] : $CFG['smtp_port'];
$smtp_secure = strtolower((isset($_POST['smtp_secure'])) ? $_POST['smtp_secure'] : $CFG['smtp_secure']);
$smtp_authenticate = (isset($_POST['smtp_authenticate'])) ?
$_POST['smtp_authenticate'] : $CFG['smtp_authenticate'];
$authenticate_password = (isset($_POST['authenticate_password'])) ?
$_POST['authenticate_password'] : $CFG['smtp_password'];
$authenticate_username = (isset($_POST['authenticate_username'])) ?
$_POST['authenticate_username'] : $CFG['smtp_username'];
// storing all status output from the script to be shown to the user later
$results_messages = array();
// $example_code represents the "final code" that we're using, and will
// be shown to the user at the end.
$example_code = "\nrequire_once '../PHPMailerAutoload.php';";
$example_code .= "\n\n\$results_messages = array();";
$mail = new PHPMailer(true); //PHPMailer instance with exceptions enabled
$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
$mail->Debugoutput = $CFG['smtp_debugoutput'];
$example_code .= "\n\n\$mail = new PHPMailer(true);";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';";
class phpmailerAppException extends phpmailerException
$example_code .= "\n\nclass phpmailerAppException extends phpmailerException {}";
$example_code .= "\n\ntry {";
try {
if (isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST['submit'] == "Submit") {
$to = $_POST['To_Email'];
if (!PHPMailer::validateAddress($to)) {
throw new phpmailerAppException("Email address " . $to . " is invalid -- aborting!");
$example_code .= "\n\$to = '{$_POST['To_Email']}';";
$example_code .= "\nif(!PHPMailer::validateAddress(\$to)) {";
$example_code .= "\n throw new phpmailerAppException(\"Email address \" . " .
"\$to . \" is invalid -- aborting!\");";
$example_code .= "\n}";
switch ($_POST['test_type']) {
case 'smtp':
$mail->isSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->SMTPDebug = (integer)$_POST['smtp_debug'];
$mail->Host = $_POST['smtp_server']; // SMTP server
$mail->Port = (integer)$_POST['smtp_port']; // set the SMTP port
if ($_POST['smtp_secure']) {
$mail->SMTPSecure = strtolower($_POST['smtp_secure']);
$mail->SMTPAuth = array_key_exists('smtp_authenticate', $_POST); // enable SMTP authentication?
if (array_key_exists('smtp_authenticate', $_POST)) {
$mail->Username = $_POST['authenticate_username']; // SMTP account username
$mail->Password = $_POST['authenticate_password']; // SMTP account password
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->isSMTP();";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->SMTPDebug = " . $_POST['smtp_debug'] . ";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->Host = \"" . $_POST['smtp_server'] . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->Port = \"" . $_POST['smtp_port'] . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->SMTPSecure = \"" . strtolower($_POST['smtp_secure']) . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->SMTPAuth = " . (array_key_exists(
) ? 'true' : 'false') . ";";
if (array_key_exists('smtp_authenticate', $_POST)) {
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->Username = \"" . $_POST['authenticate_username'] . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->Password = \"" . $_POST['authenticate_password'] . "\";";
case 'mail':
$mail->isMail(); // telling the class to use PHP's mail()
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->isMail();";
case 'sendmail':
$mail->isSendmail(); // telling the class to use Sendmail
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->isSendmail();";
case 'qmail':
$mail->isQmail(); // telling the class to use Qmail
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->isQmail();";
throw new phpmailerAppException('Invalid test_type provided');
try {
if ($_POST['From_Name'] != '') {
$mail->addReplyTo($_POST['From_Email'], $_POST['From_Name']);
$mail->From = $_POST['From_Email'];
$mail->FromName = $_POST['From_Name'];
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addReplyTo(\"" .
$_POST['From_Email'] . "\", \"" . $_POST['From_Name'] . "\");";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->From = \"" . $_POST['From_Email'] . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->FromName = \"" . $_POST['From_Name'] . "\";";
} else {
$mail->From = $_POST['From_Email'];
$mail->FromName = $_POST['From_Email'];
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addReplyTo(\"" . $_POST['From_Email'] . "\");";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->From = \"" . $_POST['From_Email'] . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->FromName = \"" . $_POST['From_Email'] . "\";";
if ($_POST['To_Name'] != '') {
$mail->addAddress($to, $_POST['To_Name']);
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addAddress(\"$to\", \"" . $_POST['To_Name'] . "\");";
} else {
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addAddress(\"$to\");";
if ($_POST['bcc_Email'] != '') {
$indiBCC = explode(" ", $_POST['bcc_Email']);
foreach ($indiBCC as $key => $value) {
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addBCC(\"$value\");";
if ($_POST['cc_Email'] != '') {
$indiCC = explode(" ", $_POST['cc_Email']);
foreach ($indiCC as $key => $value) {
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addCC(\"$value\");";
} catch (phpmailerException $e) { //Catch all kinds of bad addressing
throw new phpmailerAppException($e->getMessage());
$mail->Subject = $_POST['Subject'] . ' (PHPMailer test using ' . strtoupper($_POST['test_type']) . ')';
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->Subject = \"" . $_POST['Subject'] .
'(PHPMailer test using ' . strtoupper($_POST['test_type']) . ')";';
if ($_POST['Message'] == '') {
$body = file_get_contents('contents.html');
} else {
$body = $_POST['Message'];
$example_code .= "\n\$body = <<<'EOT'\n" . htmlentities($body) . "\nEOT;";
$mail->WordWrap = 80; // set word wrap
$mail->msgHTML($body, dirname(__FILE__), true); //Create message bodies and embed images
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->WordWrap = 80;";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->msgHTML(\$body, dirname(__FILE__), true); //Create message bodies and embed images";
$mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer_mini.png', 'phpmailer_mini.png'); // optional name
$mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer.png', 'phpmailer.png'); // optional name
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer_mini.png'," .
"'phpmailer_mini.png'); // optional name";
$example_code .= "\n\$mail->addAttachment('images/phpmailer.png', 'phpmailer.png'); // optional name";
$example_code .= "\n\ntry {";
$example_code .= "\n \$mail->send();";
$example_code .= "\n \$results_messages[] = \"Message has been sent using " .
strtoupper($_POST['test_type']) . "\";";
$example_code .= "\n}";
$example_code .= "\ncatch (phpmailerException \$e) {";
$example_code .= "\n throw new phpmailerAppException('Unable to send to: ' . \$to. ': '.\$e->getMessage());";
$example_code .= "\n}";
try {
$results_messages[] = "Message has been sent using " . strtoupper($_POST["test_type"]);
} catch (phpmailerException $e) {
throw new phpmailerAppException("Unable to send to: " . $to . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
} catch (phpmailerAppException $e) {
$results_messages[] = $e->errorMessage();
$example_code .= "\n}";
$example_code .= "\ncatch (phpmailerAppException \$e) {";
$example_code .= "\n \$results_messages[] = \$e->errorMessage();";
$example_code .= "\n}";
$example_code .= "\n\nif (count(\$results_messages) > 0) {";
$example_code .= "\n echo \"<h2>Run results</h2>\\n\";";
$example_code .= "\n echo \"<ul>\\n\";";
$example_code .= "\nforeach (\$results_messages as \$result) {";
$example_code .= "\n echo \"<li>\$result</li>\\n\";";
$example_code .= "\n}";
$example_code .= "\necho \"</ul>\\n\";";
$example_code .= "\n}";
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>PHPMailer Test Page</title>
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SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = 'scripts/clipboard.swf';
function startAgain() {
var post_params = {
"From_Name": "<?php echo $from_name; ?>",
"From_Email": "<?php echo $from_email; ?>",
"To_Name": "<?php echo $to_name; ?>",
"To_Email": "<?php echo $to_email; ?>",
"cc_Email": "<?php echo $cc_email; ?>",
"bcc_Email": "<?php echo $bcc_email; ?>",
"Subject": "<?php echo $subject; ?>",
"Message": "<?php echo $message; ?>",
"test_type": "<?php echo $test_type; ?>",
"smtp_debug": "<?php echo $smtp_debug; ?>",
"smtp_server": "<?php echo $smtp_server; ?>",
"smtp_port": "<?php echo $smtp_port; ?>",
"smtp_secure": "<?php echo $smtp_secure; ?>",
"smtp_authenticate": "<?php echo $smtp_authenticate; ?>",
"authenticate_username": "<?php echo $authenticate_username; ?>",
"authenticate_password": "<?php echo $authenticate_password; ?>"
var resetForm = document.createElement("form");
resetForm.setAttribute("method", "POST");
resetForm.setAttribute("path", "index.php");
for (var k in post_params) {
var h = document.createElement("input");
h.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
h.setAttribute("name", k);
h.setAttribute("value", post_params[k]);
function showHideDiv(test, element_id) {
var ops = {"smtp-options-table": "smtp"};
if (test == ops[element_id]) {
document.getElementById(element_id).style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById(element_id).style.display = "none";
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {
echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion() . "<br>";
echo exit("ERROR: Wrong PHP version. Must be PHP 5 or above.");
if (count($results_messages) > 0) {
echo '<h2>Run results</h2>';
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($results_messages as $result) {
echo "<li>$result</li>";
echo '</ul>';
if (isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST["submit"] == "Submit") {
echo "<button type=\"submit\" onclick=\"startAgain();\">Start Over</button><br>\n";
echo "<br><span>Script:</span>\n";
echo "<pre class=\"brush: php;\">\n";
echo $example_code;
echo "\n</pre>\n";
echo "\n<hr style=\"margin: 3em;\">\n";
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="column-left">
<legend>Mail Details</legend>
<table border="1" class="column">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="From_Name"><strong>From</strong> Name</label>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="From_Name" name="From_Name" value="<?php echo $from_name; ?>"
style="width:95%;" autofocus placeholder="Your Name">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="From_Email"><strong>From</strong> Email Address</label>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="From_Email" name="From_Email" value="<?php echo $from_email; ?>"
style="width:95%;" required placeholder="Your.Email@example.com">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="To_Name"><strong>To</strong> Name</label>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="To_Name" name="To_Name" value="<?php echo $to_name; ?>"
style="width:95%;" placeholder="Recipient's Name">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="To_Email"><strong>To</strong> Email Address</label>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="To_Email" name="To_Email" value="<?php echo $to_email; ?>"
style="width:95%;" required placeholder="Recipients.Email@example.com">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="cc_Email"><strong>CC Recipients</strong><br>
<small>(separate with commas)</small>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="cc_Email" name="cc_Email" value="<?php echo $cc_email; ?>"
style="width:95%;" placeholder="cc1@example.com, cc2@example.com">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="bcc_Email"><strong>BCC Recipients</strong><br>
<small>(separate with commas)</small>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="bcc_Email" name="bcc_Email" value="<?php echo $bcc_email; ?>"
style="width:95%;" placeholder="bcc1@example.com, bcc2@example.com">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="Subject"><strong>Subject</strong></label>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" name="Subject" id="Subject" value="<?php echo $subject; ?>"
style="width:95%;" placeholder="Email Subject">
<td class="colleft">
<label for="Message"><strong>Message</strong><br>
<small>If blank, will use content.html</small>
<td class="colrite">
<textarea name="Message" id="Message" style="width:95%;height:5em;"
placeholder="Body of your email"><?php echo $message; ?></textarea>
<div style="margin:1em 0;">Test will include two attachments.</div>
<div class="column-right">
<fieldset class="inner"> <!-- SELECT TYPE OF MAIL -->
<legend>Mail Test Specs</legend>
<table border="1" class="column">
<td class="colleft">Test Type</td>
<td class="colrite">
<div class="radio">
<label for="radio-mail">Mail()</label>
<input class="radio" type="radio" name="test_type" value="mail" id="radio-mail"
onclick="showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');"
<?php echo ($test_type == 'mail') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>
<div class="radio">
<label for="radio-sendmail">Sendmail</label>
<input class="radio" type="radio" name="test_type" value="sendmail" id="radio-sendmail"
onclick="showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');"
<?php echo ($test_type == 'sendmail') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>
<div class="radio">
<label for="radio-qmail">Qmail</label>
<input class="radio" type="radio" name="test_type" value="qmail" id="radio-qmail"
onclick="showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');"
<?php echo ($test_type == 'qmail') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>
<div class="radio">
<label for="radio-smtp">SMTP</label>
<input class="radio" type="radio" name="test_type" value="smtp" id="radio-smtp"
onclick="showHideDiv(this.value, 'smtp-options-table');"
<?php echo ($test_type == 'smtp') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>
<div id="smtp-options-table" style="margin:1em 0 0 0;
<?php if ($test_type != 'smtp') {
echo "display: none;";
} ?>">
<span style="margin:1.25em 0; display:block;"><strong>SMTP Specific Options:</strong></span>
<table border="1" class="column">
<td class="colleft"><label for="smtp_debug">SMTP Debug ?</label></td>
<td class="colrite">
<select size="1" id="smtp_debug" name="smtp_debug">
<option <?php echo ($smtp_debug == '0') ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="0">
0 - Disabled
<option <?php echo ($smtp_debug == '1') ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="1">
1 - Client messages
<option <?php echo ($smtp_debug == '2') ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="2">
2 - Client and server messages
<td class="colleft"><label for="smtp_server">SMTP Server</label></td>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="smtp_server" name="smtp_server"
value="<?php echo $smtp_server; ?>" style="width:95%;"
<td class="colleft" style="width: 5em;"><label for="smtp_port">SMTP Port</label></td>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" name="smtp_port" id="smtp_port" size="3"
value="<?php echo $smtp_port; ?>" placeholder="Port">
<td class="colleft"><label for="smtp_secure">SMTP Security</label></td>
<select size="1" name="smtp_secure" id="smtp_secure">
<option <?php echo ($smtp_secure == 'none') ? 'selected' : '' ?>>None</option>
<option <?php echo ($smtp_secure == 'tls') ? 'selected' : '' ?>>TLS</option>
<option <?php echo ($smtp_secure == 'ssl') ? 'selected' : '' ?>>SSL</option>
<td class="colleft"><label for="smtp-authenticate">SMTP Authenticate?</label></td>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="checkbox" id="smtp-authenticate"
<?php if ($smtp_authenticate != '') {
echo "checked";
} ?>
value="<?php echo $smtp_authenticate; ?>">
<td class="colleft"><label for="authenticate_username">Authenticate Username</label></td>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="text" id="authenticate_username" name="authenticate_username"
value="<?php echo $authenticate_username; ?>" style="width:95%;"
placeholder="SMTP Server Username">
<td class="colleft"><label for="authenticate_password">Authenticate Password</label></td>
<td class="colrite">
<input type="password" name="authenticate_password" id="authenticate_password"
value="<?php echo $authenticate_password; ?>" style="width:95%;"
placeholder="SMTP Server Password">
<br style="clear:both;">
<div style="margin-left:2em; margin-bottom:5em; float:left;">
<div style="margin-bottom: 1em; ">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit">
<?php echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion(); ?>