
271 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
if (!Auth::check()) {
become403Page(UOJLocale::get('need login'));
$list_id = $_GET['id'];
if (!validateUInt($list_id) || !($list = queryProblemList($list_id))) {
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
if (!isset($_COOKIE['bootstrap4'])) {
$REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'] = '';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
function echoProblem($problem) {
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
global $myUser, $removeProblemForms, $REQUIRE_LIB;
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
if (isProblemVisibleToUser($problem, $myUser)) {
echo '<tr class="text-center">';
if ($problem['submission_id']) {
echo '<td class="table-success">';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
} else {
echo '<td>';
echo '#', $problem['id'], '</td>';
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])) {
echo '<td class="text-start">';
} else {
echo '<td class="text-left">';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
if ($problem['is_hidden']) {
echo ' <span class="text-danger">[隐藏]</span> ';
if ($problem['uploader'] == $myUser['username']) {
echo ' <span class="text-info">[我的题目]</span> ';
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
echo '<a ';
if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])) {
echo ' class="text-decoration-none" ';
echo ' href="/problem/', $problem['id'], '">', $problem['title'], '</a>';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
if (isset($_COOKIE['show_tags_mode'])) {
echo ' <span class="text-info" style="font-size: 10px">' . $problem["uploader"] . '</span> ';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
foreach (queryProblemTags($problem['id']) as $tag) {
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])) {
echo '<a class="uoj-problem-tag my-1">';
echo '<span class="badge bg-secondary">';
} else {
echo '<a class="uoj-problem-tag">';
echo '<span class="badge badge-pill badge-secondary">';
echo HTML::escape($tag), '</span>';
echo '</a> ';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
echo '</td>';
if (isset($_COOKIE['show_submit_mode'])) {
$perc = $problem['submit_num'] > 0 ? round(100 * $problem['ac_num'] / $problem['submit_num']) : 0;
echo <<<EOD
<td><a href="/submissions?problem_id={$problem['id']}&min_score=100&max_score=100">&times;{$problem['ac_num']}</a></td>
<td><a href="/submissions?problem_id={$problem['id']}">&times;{$problem['submit_num']}</a></td>
<div class="progress bot-buffer-no">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="$perc" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: $perc%; min-width: 20px;">{$perc}%</div>
echo '<td class="text-left">', getClickZanBlock('P', $problem['id'], $problem['zan']), '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
$header = '<tr>';
$header .= '<th class="text-center" style="width:5em;">ID</th>';
$header .= '<th>'.UOJLocale::get('problems::problem').'</th>';
if (isset($_COOKIE['show_submit_mode'])) {
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
$header .= '<th class="text-center" style="width:' . (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5']) ? '4' : '5') . 'em;">'.UOJLocale::get('problems::ac').'</th>';
$header .= '<th class="text-center" style="width:' . (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5']) ? '4' : '5') . 'em;">'.UOJLocale::get('problems::submit').'</th>';
$header .= '<th class="text-center" style="width:' . (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5']) ? '125' : '150') . 'px;">'.UOJLocale::get('problems::ac ratio').'</th>';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
$header .= '<th class="text-center" style="width:190px;">'.UOJLocale::get('appraisal').'</th>';
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
$header .= '</tr>';
$pag_config = array('page_len' => 40);
$pag_config['col_names'] = array('best_ac_submissions.submission_id as submission_id', 'problems.id as id', 'problems.is_hidden as is_hidden', 'problems.title as title', 'problems.submit_num as submit_num', 'problems.ac_num as ac_num', 'problems.zan as zan', 'problems.extra_config as extra_config', 'problems.uploader as uploader');
$pag_config['table_name'] = "problems left join best_ac_submissions on best_ac_submissions.submitter = '{$myUser['username']}' and problems.id = best_ac_submissions.problem_id inner join lists_problems lp on lp.list_id = {$list_id} and lp.problem_id = problems.id";
$pag_config['cond'] = '1';
$pag_config['tail'] = "order by id asc";
$pag = new Paginator($pag_config);
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
$div_classes = isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])
? array('card', 'my-3', 'overflow-auto')
: array('table-responsive');
$table_classes = isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])
? array('table', 'uoj-table', 'mb-0')
: array('table', 'table-bordered', 'table-hover', 'table-striped');
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
<?php echoUOJPageHeader(UOJLocale::get('problems lists')); ?>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<div class="row">
2022-09-27 07:57:01 +08:00
<div class="col-lg-9">
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
<?php endif ?>
<h1 class="h2">
2022-09-26 09:30:34 +08:00
<?php if ($list['is_hidden']): ?>
<span class="fs-5 text-danger">[隐藏]</span>
<?php endif ?>
<?= $list['title'] ?>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<span class="fs-5">(ID: #<?= $list['id'] ?>)</span>
<?php if (isSuperUser($myUser)): ?>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<div class="text-end">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/problem_list/<?= $list['id'] ?>/manage" role="button">
<?= UOJLocale::get('problems::manage') ?>
<?php else: ?>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/problem_list/<?= $list['id'] ?>/manage" role="tab">
<?= UOJLocale::get('problems::manage') ?>
<?php endif ?>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<?php endif ?>
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4"></div>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<div class="col-sm-4 order-sm-5
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
text-end p-2
<?php else: ?>
text-right checkbox
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<div class="form-check d-inline-block me-2">
<?php else: ?>
<label class="checkbox-inline" for="input-show_tags_mode">
<?php endif ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="input-show_tags_mode"
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?= isset($_COOKIE['show_tags_mode']) ? 'checked="checked" ': ''?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<label class="form-check-label" for="input-show_tags_mode">
<?php endif ?>
<?= UOJLocale::get('problems::show tags') ?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<div class="form-check d-inline-block">
<?php else: ?>
<label class="checkbox-inline" for="input-show_submit_mode">
<?php endif ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="input-show_submit_mode"
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?= isset($_COOKIE['show_submit_mode']) ? 'checked="checked" ': ''?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<label class="form-check-label" for="input-show_submit_mode">
<?php endif ?>
<?= UOJLocale::get('problems::show statistics') ?>
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
<?php endif ?>
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<div class="col-sm-4 order-sm-3">
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
<?php echo $pag->pagination(); ?>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php if (!isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
<div class="top-buffer-sm"></div>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php endif ?>
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#input-show_tags_mode').click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
$.cookie('show_tags_mode', '', {path: '/'});
} else {
$.removeCookie('show_tags_mode', {path: '/'});
$('#input-show_submit_mode').click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
$.cookie('show_submit_mode', '', {path: '/'});
} else {
$.removeCookie('show_submit_mode', {path: '/'});
$('#input-show_difficulty').click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
$.cookie('show_difficulty', '', {path: '/'});
} else {
$.removeCookie('show_difficulty', {path: '/'});
<div class="<?= join($div_classes, ' ') ?>">
<table class="<?= join($table_classes, ' ') ?>">
<?= $header ?>
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
foreach ($pag->get() as $idx => $row) {
echo "\n";
<?php if ($pag->isEmpty()): ?>
<td class="text-center" colspan="233">
<?= UOJLocale::get('none') ?>
<?php endif ?>
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?= $pag->pagination(); ?>
2022-09-26 11:28:53 +08:00
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php if (isset($REQUIRE_LIB['bootstrap5'])): ?>
2022-09-27 07:57:01 +08:00
<aside class="col mt-3 mt-lg-0">
2022-09-26 07:58:58 +08:00
<?php uojIncludeView('sidebar', array()); ?>
<?php endif ?>
2022-09-26 11:28:53 +08:00
2022-09-18 19:34:17 +08:00
<?php echoUOJPageFooter() ?>