2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
< ? php
// Actually, these things should be done by main_judger so that the code would be much simpler.
// However, this lib exists due to some history issues.
function svnNewProblem ( $id ) {
exec ( " /var/svn/problem/new_problem.sh $id " );
svnRefreshPasswordOfProblem ( $id );
exec ( " cd /var/uoj_data; rm $id .zip; zip $id .zip $id -r -q " );
function svnRefreshPasswordOfProblem ( $id ) {
2017-11-25 15:29:18 +00:00
$result = DB :: query ( " select user_info.username, svn_password from problems_permissions, user_info where problem_id = $id and user_info.username = problems_permissions.username " );
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$content = " [users] \n " ;
$content .= UOJConfig :: $data [ 'svn' ][ 'our-root' ][ 'username' ] . " = " . UOJConfig :: $data [ 'svn' ][ 'our-root' ][ 'password' ] . " \n " ;
2017-11-25 15:29:18 +00:00
while ( $row = DB :: fetch ( $result , MYSQLI_NUM )) {
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$content .= " ${ row[0] } = ${ row[1] } \n " ;
file_put_contents ( " /var/svn/problem/ $id /conf/passwd " , $content );
class UOJProblemConfException extends Exception {
public function __construct ( $message ) {
parent :: __construct ( " <strong>problem.conf</strong> : $message " );
class UOJFileNotFoundException extends Exception {
public function __construct ( $file_name ) {
parent :: __construct ( " file <strong> " . htmlspecialchars ( $file_name ) . '</strong> not found' );
function svnClearProblemData ( $problem ) {
$id = $problem [ 'id' ];
if ( ! validateUInt ( $id )) {
error_log ( " svnClearProblemData: hacker detected " );
return " invalid problem id " ;
exec ( " rm /var/svn/problem/ $id -r " );
exec ( " rm /var/uoj_data/ $id -r " );
svnNewProblem ( $id );
class SvnSyncProblemDataHandler {
private $problem , $user ;
private $svn_data_dir , $data_dir , $prepare_dir ;
private $requirement , $problem_extra_config ;
private $problem_conf , $final_problem_conf ;
private $allow_files ;
public function __construct ( $problem , $user ) {
$this -> problem = $problem ;
$this -> user = $user ;
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
private function check_conf_on ( $name ) {
return isset ( $this -> problem_conf [ $name ]) && $this -> problem_conf [ $name ] == 'on' ;
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
private function copy_to_prepare ( $file_name ) {
global $uojMainJudgerWorkPath ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> allow_files [ $file_name ])) {
throw new UOJFileNotFoundException ( $file_name );
$src = escapeshellarg ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } / $file_name " );
$dest = escapeshellarg ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } / $file_name " );
if ( isset ( $this -> problem_extra_config [ 'dont_use_formatter' ]) || ! is_file ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } / $file_name " )) {
exec ( " cp $src $dest -r " , $output , $ret );
} else {
exec ( " $uojMainJudgerWorkPath /run/formatter < $src > $dest " , $output , $ret );
if ( $ret ) {
throw new UOJFileNotFoundException ( $file_name );
private function copy_file_to_prepare ( $file_name ) {
global $uojMainJudgerWorkPath ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> allow_files [ $file_name ]) || ! is_file ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } / $file_name " )) {
throw new UOJFileNotFoundException ( $file_name );
$this -> copy_to_prepare ( $file_name );
private function compile_at_prepare ( $name , $config = array ()) {
global $uojMainJudgerWorkPath ;
$include_path = " $uojMainJudgerWorkPath /include " ;
if ( ! isset ( $config [ 'src' ])) {
$config [ 'src' ] = " $name .cpp " ;
if ( isset ( $config [ 'path' ])) {
exec ( " mv { $this -> prepare_dir } / $name .cpp { $this -> prepare_dir } / { $config [ 'path' ] } / $name .cpp " );
$work_path = " { $this -> prepare_dir } / { $config [ 'path' ] } " ;
} else {
$work_path = $this -> prepare_dir ;
$cmd_prefix = " $uojMainJudgerWorkPath /run/run_program > { $this -> prepare_dir } /run_compiler_result.txt --in=/dev/null --out=stderr --err= { $this -> prepare_dir } /compiler_result.txt --tl=10 --ml=512 --ol=64 --type=compiler --work-path= { $work_path } " ;
if ( isset ( $config [ 'need_include_header' ]) && $config [ 'need_include_header' ]) {
exec ( " $cmd_prefix --add-readable-raw= $include_path / /usr/bin/g++-4.8 -o $name { $config [ 'src' ] } -I $include_path -lm -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE " );
} else {
exec ( " $cmd_prefix /usr/bin/g++-4.8 -o $name { $config [ 'src' ] } -lm -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE " );
$fp = fopen ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /run_compiler_result.txt " , " r " );
if ( fscanf ( $fp , '%d %d %d %d' , $rs , $used_time , $used_memory , $exit_code ) != 4 ) {
$rs = 7 ;
fclose ( $fp );
unlink ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /run_compiler_result.txt " );
if ( $rs != 0 || $exit_code != 0 ) {
if ( $rs == 0 ) {
throw new Exception ( " <strong> $name </strong> : compile error<pre> \n " . uojFilePreview ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /compiler_result.txt " , 100 ) . " \n </pre> " );
} elseif ( $rs == 7 ) {
throw new Exception ( " <strong> $name </strong> : compile error. No comment " );
} else {
throw new Exception ( " <strong> $name </strong> : compile error. Compiler " . judgerCodeStr ( $rs ));
unlink ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /compiler_result.txt " );
if ( isset ( $config [ 'path' ])) {
exec ( " mv { $this -> prepare_dir } / { $config [ 'path' ] } / $name .cpp { $this -> prepare_dir } / $name .cpp " );
exec ( " mv { $this -> prepare_dir } / { $config [ 'path' ] } / $name { $this -> prepare_dir } / $name " );
private function makefile_at_prepare () {
global $uojMainJudgerWorkPath ;
$include_path = " $uojMainJudgerWorkPath /include " ;
$cmd_prefix = " $uojMainJudgerWorkPath /run/run_program > { $this -> prepare_dir } /run_makefile_result.txt --in=/dev/null --out=stderr --err= { $this -> prepare_dir } /makefile_result.txt --tl=10 --ml=512 --ol=64 --type=compiler --work-path= { $this -> prepare_dir } " ;
exec ( " $cmd_prefix --add-readable-raw= $include_path / /usr/bin/make INCLUDE_PATH= $include_path " );
$fp = fopen ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /run_makefile_result.txt " , " r " );
if ( fscanf ( $fp , '%d %d %d %d' , $rs , $used_time , $used_memory , $exit_code ) != 4 ) {
$rs = 7 ;
fclose ( $fp );
unlink ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /run_makefile_result.txt " );
if ( $rs != 0 || $exit_code != 0 ) {
if ( $rs == 0 ) {
throw new Exception ( " <strong>Makefile</strong> : compile error<pre> \n " . uojFilePreview ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /makefile_result.txt " , 100 ) . " \n </pre> " );
} elseif ( $rs == 7 ) {
throw new Exception ( " <strong>Makefile</strong> : compile error. No comment " );
} else {
throw new Exception ( " <strong>Makefile</strong> : compile error. Compiler " . judgerCodeStr ( $rs ));
unlink ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /makefile_result.txt " );
public function handle () {
$id = $this -> problem [ 'id' ];
if ( ! validateUInt ( $id )) {
error_log ( " svnSyncProblemData: hacker detected " );
return " invalid problem id " ;
$this -> svn_data_dir = " /var/svn/problem/ $id /cur/ $id /1 " ;
$this -> data_dir = " /var/uoj_data/ $id " ;
$this -> prepare_dir = " /var/uoj_data/prepare_ $id " ;
if ( file_exists ( $this -> prepare_dir )) {
return " please wait until the last sync finish " ;
try {
$this -> requirement = array ();
$this -> problem_extra_config = json_decode ( $this -> problem [ 'extra_config' ], true );
mkdir ( $this -> prepare_dir , 0755 );
if ( ! is_file ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /problem.conf " )) {
throw new UOJFileNotFoundException ( " problem.conf " );
$this -> problem_conf = getUOJConf ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /problem.conf " );
$this -> final_problem_conf = $this -> problem_conf ;
if ( $this -> problem_conf === - 1 ) {
throw new UOJFileNotFoundException ( " problem.conf " );
} elseif ( $this -> problem_conf === - 2 ) {
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " syntax error " );
$this -> allow_files = array_flip ( array_filter ( scandir ( $this -> svn_data_dir ), function ( $x ){ return $x !== '.' && $x !== '..' ;}));
$zip_file = new ZipArchive ();
if ( $zip_file -> open ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /download.zip " , ZipArchive :: CREATE ) !== true ) {
throw new Exception ( " <strong>download.zip</strong> : failed to create the zip file " );
if ( isset ( $this -> allow_files [ 'require' ]) && is_dir ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /require " )) {
$this -> copy_to_prepare ( 'require' );
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
if ( $this -> check_conf_on ( 'use_builtin_judger' )) {
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$n_tests = getUOJConfVal ( $this -> problem_conf , 'n_tests' , 10 );
if ( ! validateUInt ( $n_tests ) || $n_tests <= 0 ) {
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " n_tests must be a positive integer " );
for ( $num = 1 ; $num <= $n_tests ; $num ++ ) {
$input_file_name = getUOJProblemInputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$output_file_name = getUOJProblemOutputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( $input_file_name );
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( $output_file_name );
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
if ( ! $this -> check_conf_on ( 'interaction_mode' )) {
if ( isset ( $this -> problem_conf [ 'use_builtin_checker' ])) {
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20}$/' , $this -> problem_conf [ 'use_builtin_checker' ])) {
throw new Exception ( " <strong> " . htmlspecialchars ( $this -> problem_conf [ 'use_builtin_checker' ]) . " </strong> is not a valid checker " );
} else {
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( 'chk.cpp' );
$this -> compile_at_prepare ( 'chk' , array ( 'need_include_header' => true ));
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
if ( $this -> check_conf_on ( 'submit_answer' )) {
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
if ( $this -> problem [ 'hackable' ]) {
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " the problem can't be hackable if submit_answer is on " );
for ( $num = 1 ; $num <= $n_tests ; $num ++ ) {
$input_file_name = getUOJProblemInputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$output_file_name = getUOJProblemOutputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> problem_extra_config [ 'dont_download_input' ])) {
$zip_file -> addFile ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } / $input_file_name " , " $input_file_name " );
$this -> requirement [] = array ( 'name' => " output $num " , 'type' => 'text' , 'file_name' => $output_file_name );
} else {
$n_ex_tests = getUOJConfVal ( $this -> problem_conf , 'n_ex_tests' , 0 );
if ( ! validateUInt ( $n_ex_tests ) || $n_ex_tests < 0 ) {
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " n_ex_tests must be a non-nagative integer " );
for ( $num = 1 ; $num <= $n_ex_tests ; $num ++ ) {
$input_file_name = getUOJProblemExtraInputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$output_file_name = getUOJProblemExtraOutputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( $input_file_name );
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( $output_file_name );
if ( $this -> problem [ 'hackable' ]) {
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( 'std.cpp' );
if ( isset ( $this -> problem_conf [ 'with_implementer' ]) && $this -> problem_conf [ 'with_implementer' ] == 'on' ) {
$this -> compile_at_prepare ( 'std' ,
array (
'src' => 'implementer.cpp std.cpp' ,
'path' => 'require'
} else {
$this -> compile_at_prepare ( 'std' );
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( 'val.cpp' );
$this -> compile_at_prepare ( 'val' , array ( 'need_include_header' => true ));
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
if ( $this -> check_conf_on ( 'interaction_mode' )) {
$this -> copy_file_to_prepare ( 'interactor.cpp' );
$this -> compile_at_prepare ( 'interactor' , array ( 'need_include_header' => true ));
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$n_sample_tests = getUOJConfVal ( $this -> problem_conf , 'n_sample_tests' , $n_tests );
if ( ! validateUInt ( $n_sample_tests ) || $n_sample_tests < 0 ) {
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " n_sample_tests must be a non-nagative integer " );
if ( $n_sample_tests > $n_ex_tests ) {
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " n_sample_tests can't be greater than n_ex_tests " );
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
if ( ! isset ( $this -> problem_extra_config [ 'dont_download_sample' ])) {
for ( $num = 1 ; $num <= $n_sample_tests ; $num ++ ) {
$input_file_name = getUOJProblemExtraInputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$output_file_name = getUOJProblemExtraOutputFileName ( $this -> problem_conf , $num );
$zip_file -> addFile ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } / { $input_file_name } " , " $input_file_name " );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> problem_extra_config [ 'dont_download_sample_output' ])) {
$zip_file -> addFile ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } / { $output_file_name } " , " $output_file_name " );
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$this -> requirement [] = array ( 'name' => 'answer' , 'type' => 'source code' , 'file_name' => 'answer.code' );
} else {
2018-07-09 10:40:30 +08:00
if ( ! isSuperUser ( $this -> user )) {
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
throw new UOJProblemConfException ( " use_builtin_judger must be on. " );
} else {
foreach ( $this -> allow_files as $file_name => $file_num ) {
$this -> copy_to_prepare ( $file_name );
$this -> makefile_at_prepare ();
$this -> requirement [] = array ( 'name' => 'answer' , 'type' => 'source code' , 'file_name' => 'answer.code' );
putUOJConf ( " { $this -> prepare_dir } /problem.conf " , $this -> final_problem_conf );
if ( isset ( $this -> allow_files [ 'download' ]) && is_dir ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /download " )) {
foreach ( scandir ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /download " ) as $file_name ) {
if ( is_file ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /download/ { $file_name } " )) {
$zip_file -> addFile ( " { $this -> svn_data_dir } /download/ { $file_name } " , $file_name );
$zip_file -> close ();
$orig_requirement = json_decode ( $this -> problem [ 'submission_requirement' ], true );
if ( ! $orig_requirement ) {
$esc_requirement = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $this -> requirement ));
DB :: update ( " update problems set submission_requirement = ' $esc_requirement ' where id = $id " );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
exec ( " rm { $this -> prepare_dir } -r " );
return $e -> getMessage ();
exec ( " rm { $this -> data_dir } -r " );
rename ( $this -> prepare_dir , $this -> data_dir );
exec ( " cd /var/uoj_data; rm $id .zip; zip $id .zip $id -r -q " );
return '' ;
function svnSyncProblemData ( $problem , $user = null ) {
return ( new SvnSyncProblemDataHandler ( $problem , $user )) -> handle ();
function svnAddExtraTest ( $problem , $input_file_name , $output_file_name ) {
$id = $problem [ 'id' ];
$svnusr = UOJConfig :: $data [ 'svn' ][ 'our-root' ][ 'username' ];
$svnpwd = UOJConfig :: $data [ 'svn' ][ 'our-root' ][ 'password' ];
$cur_dir = " /var/svn/problem/ $id /cur/ $id " ;
$problem_conf = getUOJConf ( " { $cur_dir } /1/problem.conf " );
if ( $problem_conf == - 1 || $problem_conf == - 2 ) {
return $problem_conf ;
$problem_conf [ 'n_ex_tests' ] = getUOJConfVal ( $problem_conf , 'n_ex_tests' , 0 ) + 1 ;
$new_input_name = getUOJProblemExtraInputFileName ( $problem_conf , $problem_conf [ 'n_ex_tests' ]);
$new_output_name = getUOJProblemExtraOutputFileName ( $problem_conf , $problem_conf [ 'n_ex_tests' ]);
putUOJConf ( " $cur_dir /1/problem.conf " , $problem_conf );
move_uploaded_file ( $input_file_name , " $cur_dir /1/ $new_input_name " );
move_uploaded_file ( $output_file_name , " $cur_dir /1/ $new_output_name " );
exec (
<<< EOD
cd $cur_dir
svn add 1 / $new_input_name -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
svn add 1 / $new_output_name -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
svn commit - m " add new extra test. " -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
if ( svnSyncProblemData ( $problem ) === '' ) {
rejudgeProblemAC ( $problem );
} else {
error_log ( 'hack successfully but sync failed.' );
2017-11-25 12:00:00 +08:00
function svnCommitZipData ( $problem , $type ) {
$id = $problem [ 'id' ];
$cur_dir = " /var/svn/problem/ $id /cur/ $id " ;
$svnusr = UOJConfig :: $data [ 'svn' ][ 'our-root' ][ 'username' ];
$svnpwd = UOJConfig :: $data [ 'svn' ][ 'our-root' ][ 'password' ];
if ( $type == 'conf' ){
exec (
<<< EOD
cd $cur_dir
svn add 1 / problem . conf -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
svn commit - m " update problem.conf by online conf editor. " -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
else if ( $type == 'data' ){
exec (
<<< EOD
cd $cur_dir
svn add * -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
svn commit - m " add testdata from zip file online. " -- username $svnusr -- password $svnpwd
else {
error_log ( " svnCommitZipData: invalid argument " );
return " invalid argument " ;
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00