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2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
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<title>CodeMirror: Sublime Text bindings demo</title>
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<li><a class=active href="#">Sublime bindings</a>
<h2>Sublime Text bindings demo</h2>
<p>The <code>sublime</code> keymap defines many Sublime Text-specific
bindings for CodeMirror. See the code below for an overview.</p>
<p>Enable the keymap by
loading <a href="../keymap/sublime.js"><code>keymap/sublime.js</code></a>
and setting
the <a href="../doc/manual.html#option_keyMap"><code>keyMap</code></a>
option to <code>"sublime"</code>.</p>
<p>(A lot of the search functionality is still missing.)
var value = "// The bindings defined specifically in the Sublime Text mode\nvar bindings = {\n";
var map = CodeMirror.keyMap.sublime, mapK = CodeMirror.keyMap["sublime-Ctrl-K"];
for (var key in map) {
if (key != "Ctrl-K" && key != "fallthrough" && (!/find/.test(map[key]) || /findUnder/.test(map[key])))
value += " \"" + key + "\": \"" + map[key] + "\",\n";
for (var key in mapK) {
if (key != "auto" && key != "nofallthrough")
value += " \"Ctrl-K " + key + "\": \"" + mapK[key] + "\",\n";
value += "}\n\n// The implementation of joinLines\n";
value += CodeMirror.commands.joinLines.toString().replace(/^function\s*\(/, "function joinLines(").replace(/\n /g, "\n") + "\n";
var editor = CodeMirror(document.body.getElementsByTagName("article")[0], {
value: value,
lineNumbers: true,
mode: "javascript",
keyMap: "sublime",
autoCloseBrackets: true,
matchBrackets: true,
showCursorWhenSelecting: true,
theme: "monokai"