2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !validateUInt($_GET['id']) || !($blog = queryBlog($_GET['id'])) || !UOJContext::isHis($blog)) {
if ($blog['is_hidden'] && !UOJContext::hasBlogPermission()) {
$comment_form = new UOJForm('comment');
$comment_form->addVTextArea('comment', '内容', '',
function($comment) {
global $myUser;
if ($myUser == null) {
return '请先登录';
if (!$comment) {
return '评论不能为空';
if (strlen($comment) > 1000) {
return '不能超过1000个字节';
return '';
$comment_form->handle = function() {
global $myUser, $blog, $comment_form;
$comment = HTML::escape($_POST['comment']);
style(web): change link location of blog functions
When using sub-directory blog, the 'blogof' not looks so good.
And, there are duplicate 'blog' characters, which making people uncomfortable.
So, for sub-directory blog, use 'blog' instead of 'blogof'.
'blog' is not as a sub folder or type anymore, use 'post' instead.
BREAKING CHANGE: Due to the conflict of 'blog' sub-directory, when go to blog post,
now should use 'blogs/{id}'; but when subdomain mode is on, you can still use 'blog'
to access these blog posts. 'blogof' is no longer used, and you need to inform users
that blog link is changed, to avoid the inaccessbility.
2019-07-12 12:13:30 +08:00
list($comment, $referrers) = uojHandleAtSign($comment, "/post/{$blog['id']}");
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$esc_comment = DB::escape($comment);
DB::insert("insert into blogs_comments (poster, blog_id, content, reply_id, post_time, zan) values ('{$myUser['username']}', '{$blog['id']}', '$esc_comment', 0, now(), 0)");
$comment_id = DB::insert_id();
$rank = DB::selectCount("select count(*) from blogs_comments where blog_id = {$blog['id']} and reply_id = 0 and id < {$comment_id}");
$page = floor($rank / 20) + 1;
$uri = getLongTablePageUri($page) . '#' . "comment-{$comment_id}";
foreach ($referrers as $referrer) {
$content = '有人在博客 ' . $blog['title'] . ' 的评论里提到你:<a href="' . $uri . '">点击此处查看</a>';
sendSystemMsg($referrer, '有人提到你', $content);
if ($blog['poster'] !== $myUser['username']) {
$content = '有人回复了您的博客 ' . $blog['title'] . ' :<a href="' . $uri . '">点击此处查看</a>';
sendSystemMsg($blog['poster'], '博客新回复通知', $content);
$comment_form->succ_href = getLongTablePageRawUri($page);
$comment_form->ctrl_enter_submit = true;
$reply_form = new UOJForm('reply');
$reply_form->addHidden('reply_id', '0',
function($reply_id, &$vdata) {
global $blog;
if (!validateUInt($reply_id) || $reply_id == 0) {
return '您要回复的对象不存在';
$comment = queryBlogComment($reply_id);
if (!$comment || $comment['blog_id'] != $blog['id']) {
return '您要回复的对象不存在';
$vdata['parent'] = $comment;
return '';
$reply_form->addVTextArea('reply_comment', '内容', '',
function($comment) {
global $myUser;
if ($myUser == null) {
return '请先登录';
if (!$comment) {
return '评论不能为空';
if (strlen($comment) > 140) {
return '不能超过140个字节';
return '';
$reply_form->handle = function(&$vdata) {
global $myUser, $blog, $reply_form;
$comment = HTML::escape($_POST['reply_comment']);
style(web): change link location of blog functions
When using sub-directory blog, the 'blogof' not looks so good.
And, there are duplicate 'blog' characters, which making people uncomfortable.
So, for sub-directory blog, use 'blog' instead of 'blogof'.
'blog' is not as a sub folder or type anymore, use 'post' instead.
BREAKING CHANGE: Due to the conflict of 'blog' sub-directory, when go to blog post,
now should use 'blogs/{id}'; but when subdomain mode is on, you can still use 'blog'
to access these blog posts. 'blogof' is no longer used, and you need to inform users
that blog link is changed, to avoid the inaccessbility.
2019-07-12 12:13:30 +08:00
list($comment, $referrers) = uojHandleAtSign($comment, "/post/{$blog['id']}");
2016-07-19 00:39:37 +08:00
$reply_id = $_POST['reply_id'];
$esc_comment = DB::escape($comment);
DB::insert("insert into blogs_comments (poster, blog_id, content, reply_id, post_time, zan) values ('{$myUser['username']}', '{$blog['id']}', '$esc_comment', $reply_id, now(), 0)");
$comment_id = DB::insert_id();
$rank = DB::selectCount("select count(*) from blogs_comments where blog_id = {$blog['id']} and reply_id = 0 and id < {$reply_id}");
$page = floor($rank / 20) + 1;
$uri = getLongTablePageUri($page) . '#' . "comment-{$reply_id}";
foreach ($referrers as $referrer) {
$content = '有人在博客 ' . $blog['title'] . ' 的评论里提到你:<a href="' . $uri . '">点击此处查看</a>';
sendSystemMsg($referrer, '有人提到你', $content);
$parent = $vdata['parent'];
$notified = array();
if ($parent['poster'] !== $myUser['username']) {
$notified[] = $parent['poster'];
$content = '有人回复了您在博客 ' . $blog['title'] . ' 下的评论 :<a href="' . $uri . '">点击此处查看</a>';
sendSystemMsg($parent['poster'], '评论新回复通知', $content);
if ($blog['poster'] !== $myUser['username'] && !in_array($blog['poster'], $notified)) {
$notified[] = $blog['poster'];
$content = '有人回复了您的博客 ' . $blog['title'] . ' :<a href="' . $uri . '">点击此处查看</a>';
sendSystemMsg($blog['poster'], '博客新回复通知', $content);
$reply_form->succ_href = getLongTablePageRawUri($page);
$reply_form->ctrl_enter_submit = true;
$comments_pag = new Paginator(array(
'col_names' => array('*'),
'table_name' => 'blogs_comments',
'cond' => 'blog_id = ' . $blog['id'] . ' and reply_id = 0',
'tail' => 'order by id asc',
'page_len' => 20
$REQUIRE_LIB['mathjax'] = '';
$REQUIRE_LIB['shjs'] = '';
<?php echoUOJPageHeader(HTML::stripTags($blog['title']) . ' - 博客') ?>
<?php echoBlog($blog, array('show_title_only' => isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 1)) ?>
<h2>评论 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span></h2>
<div class="list-group">
<?php if ($comments_pag->isEmpty()): ?>
<div class="list-group-item text-muted">暂无评论</div>
<?php else: ?>
<?php foreach ($comments_pag->get() as $comment):
$poster = queryUser($comment['poster']);
$esc_email = HTML::escape($poster['email']);
$asrc = HTML::avatar_addr($poster, 80);
$replies = DB::selectAll("select id, poster, content, post_time from blogs_comments where reply_id = {$comment['id']} order by id");
foreach ($replies as $idx => $reply) {
$replies[$idx]['poster_rating'] = queryUser($reply['poster'])['rating'];
$replies_json = json_encode($replies);
<div id="comment-<?= $comment['id'] ?>" class="list-group-item">
<div class="media">
<div class="media-left comtposterbox">
<a href="<?= HTML::url('/user/profile/'.$poster['username']) ?>" class="hidden-xs">
<img class="media-object img-rounded" src="<?= $asrc ?>" alt="avatar" />
<div id="comment-body-<?= $comment['id'] ?>" class="media-body comtbox">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6"><?= getUserLink($poster['username']) ?></div>
<div class="col-sm-6 text-right"><?= getClickZanBlock('BC', $comment['id'], $comment['zan']) ?></div>
<div class="comtbox1"><?= $comment['content'] ?></div>
<ul class="text-right list-inline bot-buffer-no"><li><small class="text-muted"><?= $comment['post_time'] ?></small></li><li><a id="reply-to-<?= $comment['id'] ?>" href="#">回复</a></li></ul>
<?php if ($replies): ?>
<div id="replies-<?= $comment['id'] ?>" class="comtbox5"></div>
<?php endif ?>
<script type="text/javascript">showCommentReplies('<?= $comment['id'] ?>', <?= $replies_json ?>);</script>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?= $comments_pag->pagination() ?>
<?php $comment_form->printHTML() ?>
<div id="div-form-reply" style="display:none">
<?php $reply_form->printHTML() ?>
<?php echoUOJPageFooter() ?>