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73 lines
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73 lines
1.5 KiB (Stored with Git LFS)
#include "testlib.h"
typedef long long int ll;
const int maxn = 35;
int pre[maxn], a[maxn];
ll scr[maxn];
struct Node {
int id;
Node *ls, *rs;
Node(int x) : id(x) {
ls = rs = nullptr;
Node *node[maxn];
void build(int L, int R, int l, int r);
void dfs(const int u);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
registerTestlibCmd(argc, argv);
ll pans = ouf.readLong(), jans = ans.readLong();
if (jans != pans) {
quitf(_wa, "OvO, the ans in first line is %lld, but yours is %lld", jans, pans);
int n = inf.readInt();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
a[i] = inf.readInt();
pre[i] = ouf.readInt();
build(1, n, 1, n);
if (scr[pre[1]] == jans) {
quitf(_ok, "Orz, your ans is perfectly correct!");
} else {
quitp(0.5, "OvO, your tree seems to be wrong QAQ");
void dfs(const int u) {
ll lv = 1, rv = 1;
if (node[u]->ls) {
lv = scr[node[u]->ls->id];
if (node[u]->rs) {
rv = scr[node[u]->rs->id];
if ((node[u]->ls == nullptr) && (node[u]->rs == nullptr)) lv = 0;
scr[u] = lv * rv + a[u];
void build(int L, int R, int l, int r) {
if (L > R) return;
node[pre[L]] = new Node(pre[L]);
if (l == r) return;
int rt = pre[L];
int lsz = rt - l;
if (lsz) {
build(L + 1, L + lsz, l, rt - 1);
node[rt]->ls = node[pre[L + 1]];
int rsz = r - rt;
if (rsz) {
build(R - rsz + 1, R, rt + 1, r);
node[rt]->rs = node[pre[R - rsz + 1]];